The phenomenon of reincarnation – the transmigration of the soul after death to a new body

The phenomenon of reincarnation – the transmigration of the soul after death to a new body – since ancient times excites the minds of mankind. Someone believes in repeated rebirth gives the cherished dream of immortality, to others helps to understand the causes of their illnesses and misfortunes in order to get out from a vicious circle. The phenomenon of reincarnation - the transmigration of the soul after death into a new bodyPhotos from open sources In recent years, Russia has appeared many supporters of these oriental views (by the way, these views have an age of at least four thousand years). So bright interest primarily associated with active development in the West psychological methods of reincarnation therapy, through which experts promise to help almost everyone to “see” their past lives. From Pythagoras to Napoleon. The first mention of reincarnation we find in the Vedas (a collection of the most ancient sacred Hindu scriptures in Sanskrit). In the Bhagavad-gita, reflecting the main meaning of the Vedas, is said: “As a person, taking off old clothes, puts on new ones, so the soul enters new material bodies, leaving the old and worthless. “Faith in the rebirth of the soul is characteristic for many religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam. But the main Christian trends are now denied the possibility of reincarnation, although the early Christians doctrine of the pre-existence of the soul was accepted. Remove it from dogma churches ordered at the Fifth Ecumenical Council (sixth century) in Constantinople Byzantine Emperor Justinian. To reincarnation believed by many famous historical figures. • Among ancient Greek philosophers supported the theory of transmigration of souls and promoted to the masses of Pythagoras, Empedocles, Socrates, Plato, Plutarch. •Giordano Bruno was convicted by the Inquisition and burned at the stake, including including for his teachings on reincarnation. • Napoleon Bonaparte loved tell your generals that in a previous life belonged to Charlemagne family. • Benjamin Franklin said: “Having discovered that I exist in this world, I believe that in one form or another I will always exist. “Reincarnation therapy time as reincarnation began to be introduced into the practice of psychologists (regressive) therapy, designed to open the door to a past life, the theory of rebirth has gained particular popularity. Reincarnation therapy is a fairly new section of psychology, which includes yourself a few techniques. Among them, the meditative and hypnotic technique. • Reincarnation therapy using meditative techniques. Homeland – Germany. The specialist offers you mentally move to one of his previous lives. You relax the body, calm the mind and under the guidance the therapist “go” to the past. • Regression of a past life (regression – from the Latin word regressio – return) – technique using hypnosis to discover memories of the past lives. Homeland – USA. A significant contribution to the development of the methodology was made well-known American regression hypnologists: Dolores Kennon, Sylvia Brown, Raymond Moody, Michael Newton and others. For references The word “reincarnation” literally means “reincarnation” (re – “re”, incarnation – “incarnation”). According to theory reincarnation, some immortal entity called spirit, soul, “divine spark”, “higher” or “true Self”, immediately or some time after the physical death of a person in another body. The phenomenon of rebirth is closely intertwined with the concept of karma (actions, activity, actions of a person who cause events in its next incarnation). Passing all barriers Supporters of the theory of transmigration of souls argue that almost every one of us has the power to “look through” our past lives, for example, in a dream. A state of deja vu, fantasy and imagination can be flashbacks of our previous incarnations. If talk about targeted therapy then some people with an enviable ease go on a mysterious journey. To others it takes a long time to “see” at least a brief episode of his life in another body. According to a psychologist, a specialist in reincarnation therapy of Maria Monok, both under hypnosis and in In a state of meditation, 80 out of 100 people recall their rebirths. Twenty do not see anything. The reason is often the barriers that prevent us from falling into the past. Until you cross them, the road there closed. Attention! It is contraindicated to “watch” past lives with schizophrenia, taking psychotropic drugs, with high pressure and during pregnancy. The rest is better to resort to specialist help. After reincarnation therapy sessions in for several days they can roll emotions for no apparent reason anger, annoyance, regret. It will be gone soon. Barriers in past: • Expectations of seeing certain pictures of your other incarnations. Perceptions of how everything should be interfere “browse” what is actually there. • Feeling of shame, fears, heavy memories. First you need to deal with your fears. and tension, and then try to “see” the past. • solid the belief that there are no past lives. In this case, in a condition meditation you will not remember anything. Hypnosis probability there are memories. Why look back? Specialists sure that the events of previous incarnations can affect health and the worldview of man. – Very often chronic pain, cause which doctors cannot find, finds an explanation in the office a hypnotherapist in a past life story, says psi-phenomenon researcher, psychologist, psychotherapist Ravil Sadreev. – It doesn’t matter what your previous embodiment, but working with information about this can largely change your real life. 26-year-old Veronika from Moscow lived many years with a sense of hopelessness and despair. During therapy, Immersed in a state of meditation, a young woman found herself … on the ship “Titanic”. She understood that she was under water and wandering around a sunken ship where there is no living soul, and that she is dead. After a reincarnation therapy session in Veronica something has changed. When the shock of what she saw passed, she realized the origins of his tragic worldview and with the help of a psychologist I was able to restore spiritual harmony. – When a person “looks” their past incarnations, then understanding comes to him, in what the cause of his problems in real life, says Maria Monok. – And with the help of the knowledge he can change everything for the better side. Reincarnation therapy, in addition to viewing life, includes communication with your “higher self” and with those spiritual mentors, that help us in life. They can get an answer to a question that worries you, ask for advice on what to do in this or that another situation. Interesting fact If in the 90s people in the vast majority remembered ordinary life situations then Now many in the process of reincarnation therapy describe their stay on other planets. The view of science in the world over the past years, a lot of research has been done on the nature of past lives, the state between life and rebirth. Usually in the process studying a person is injected into hypnosis or a meditative state and collect information about his past incarnations. Then received information verified with historical facts, if any. If they coincide, they draw conclusions about the connection between a living person and a dead person. According to a group of scientists, evidence of the existence of physical a process by which part of a human being could after death, move to another body until found. Skeptics cite the fact that people often talk about allegedly their previous incarnations, and then under hypnosis they have it turns out that these stories were heard by them in early childhood. In addition, it is a well-known fact that hypnosis is often a fantasy. However, there is an alternative scientific view on this phenomenon. Ravil Sadreev expressed his point of view: – There are real scientific evidence that in certain states of consciousness a person is able to reproduce information completely unknown his. In particular, speak an unfamiliar language, describe previous incarnations and, most surprisingly, the experience after death. There are cases when a newly born child remembered his husband or wife from a previous incarnation. Canadian american biochemist and psychiatrist Ian Stevenson studied over 3000 over 40 years cases with children (aged 2 to 4 years) who spoke about their past lives. Information received from children, researcher checked with documentary evidence (names of people, which the children called themselves, and various verifiable details of them life). Stevenson compared moles and birth defects in reporting past lives of children with places of wounds and scars on bodies deceased (data confirmed by medical reports such as autopsy or photograph). However, the scientific world was critical to the works of Stevenson. Including also because the majority reincarnation cases that he investigated occurred in eastern societies where major religions acknowledge the existence of reincarnation. According to critics, this casts a shadow of doubt on reliability of research. Interestingly, even the specialists in reincarnation therapy does not always believe that the phenomenon rebirth is real. But they all acknowledge that after therapeutic sessions, patients manage to get rid of many problems, recover from old diseases and improve your emotional state. what it is people who see in the course of therapy – their past life, created imagination of a situation or event of a distant childhood, to the end is not it is known. The main thing is that they receive new and important knowledge, which helps them to be healed and change their life in the desired direction. Anna AKULICH Secret Power

Time Life Napoleon Bonaparte Reincarnation Russia

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