A photo from open sources People fearing spiders have a reason fear them even more – a Ukrainian photographer found an arthropod, strikingly similar to the terrible clown from the novel by Stephen King “It.” 44-year-old Igor Ryabov, an engineer in Ukraine, devotes free time to macro photography – the type of shooting, the main the feature of which is to obtain images of the subject or creatures on a scale of 1: 2 – 20: 1. By the way, many instantists are fond of this type of amateur photography. Did not an exception and a Ukrainian engineer, who for three years installs equipment near his home, trying to get interesting pictures. And one day a man really lucky – he managed to capture an incredible creature.
Photos from open sources Igor Ryabov photographed a spider whose the coloring evokes associations with the character from the film made by Stephen King’s novel “It” – a terrible clown Pennywise. It is noteworthy that the man did not immediately notice the arthropod with “make-up.” “When I first came across a spider, I thought it was there will be ordinary macro photography, not portending any discoveries. I just did not notice its strange feature. Later, considering pictures on the screen of my computer, I carefully studied the animal was amazed – it looked like a sad clown. how as if someone took a felt-tip pen and painted it, ”- shares impressions engineer. As it turned out, a bright arthropod belongs to the family of side-walker spiders or crab spiders (lat. Thomisidae). These animals are called so because of the lateral way. movement. Representatives of this family of spiders do not weave nets, relying on their main weapon – front legs. Bokokhod lies in wait for his prey among the foliage, and then suddenly attacks. The color of these arthropods varies by color substrate: animals hunting on land or trees have brown body, but lovers of flowers and foliage delight the eye with bright paints. By the way, for a person, bokokhods do not represent any danger, so all they can scare is their own unusual clowning relatives.