The point in the case of the tourist group Dyatlov and was not delivered

The point in the case of the tourist group of Dyatlov was never putA photo from open sources

Despite all sorts of numerous versions of death tourist group of Dyatlov, a consensus on how and why it happened no so far. And the further it goes into history event, the more difficult it is to find the truth. But “dyatlovtsy”, as they say, do not surrender, trying at all costs, to put an end to this confusing and mysterious business.

A photo from open sources

The most interesting version was that the death of the tourist group somehow involved one of its participants – Semyon Zolotarev. The fact is that this tourist was not only the oldest in ill-fated campaign, but generally a mystery to researchers:

  • his body, disfigured beyond recognition, was found among last, Zolotarev or not, for a long time remained under doubt;
  • tattoos were found on the body of the deceased, which, according to relatives, Semen never had;
  • Zolotarev’s grave for a strange reason is not marked in registration book of neither Ivanovsky nor Mikhailovsky cemeteries (the resting place of the dead on the pass), as if he weren’t buried.

A photo from open sources

All this made the trackers-dyatlovtsy achieve exhumation in the beginning of this year, the bodies of pseudo-Seeds, since the conspiracy theorists it was suggested that this particular person was the cause tragedy at the pass, and then disappeared. And then it just happened the replacement of the body, which is buried instead of Zolotarev.

A photo from open sources

DNA analysis of the exhumed body and immediate family Seeds Zolotareva ruled out the relationship of the deceased with the living descendants. It would seem that everything fell into place, although even this is not could shed light on that tragedy. However, this allowed renewal. criminal investigation into the Dyatlov tourist group.

A photo from open sources

And since the plans were grandiose, it was decided to carry out re-examination for DNA, but now at the level of RC SME. AND The Russian Center for Forensic Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation recently established that in the grave of Semyon Zolotarev still lies his body. Moreover, RAS expert Pavel Ivanov even explained why and how the mistake was made during the first April DNA test the deceased.

A photo from open sources

It would seem that you can put an end to this matter, since Semyon Zolotarev is whitewashed, and all other versions of which the great has accumulated many, do not give reason to start a new criminal investigation.

However, the bullet in this matter has not yet been set. Conspirologists immediately put forward another interesting version. According to her, under the name of Semyon Zolotarev, was hiding his brother Nikolai, which, according to archival data, collaborated during the war with fascists, and then suddenly … disappeared. Nikolai supposedly could have use the documents of his deceased brother Semyon in order to legalization of his personality in the post-war USSR. If so, then DNA examination makes no sense, or rather, it doesn’t specifies who is buried in that grave – Semyon Zolotarev himself or his sibling? Although she still certifies that the ashes of the deceased belongs to the surname of the Zolotarevs.

A photo from open sources

But what does this prove or disprove? And how with this can you find the truth? Nobody knows that. A thread seems to be found, but the ball was too confusing to find the real one undeniably true end …

DNA Dyatlov Pass

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