A photo from open sources
According to the Mayan calendar, December 21, 2012 will end the so-called long counting cycle of the Era of the Fifth Sun, which began in August 3114 BC. Calendar on this date ends, which gave the pessimists reason to believe that Maya, thus predicted the end of the world. French law enforcement authorities detained two people with a machete and gas masks in the region of Mount Bugarash, which is called among possible shelters from the allegedly coming apocalypse, according to Friday France Press Agency. According to the Prefect of the Aude Department Eric Feyselinara, these items were found in a car, on which these people tried to drive in the vicinity of Mount Bugarash. The representative of the authorities emphasized that about any security threat no speech, only a few individual and minor incidents. So, the day before in this area were several more people were detained: a man with a stun gun, another – with a baseball bat, and another with marijuana. By their actions local authorities hope to restrain the flow of people who believe in soon end of the world and hopes to survive it in the region of this mountain, and also crowds of curious and media representatives. Friday morning at about 250 people worked in the village district with a population of about 200 Journalists from 50 countries. According to the Mayan calendar, 21 December 2012 will end the so-called Era long count cycle The Fifth Sun, which began in August 3114 BC. In this date calendar ends, which gave the pessimists reason to believe that the Mayans thus predicted the end of the world. IN turn located in the Iberian massif Corbières mountain Bugarash with a height of 1,231 thousand meters thanks to the Internet audience became famous as a possible refuge in the event of an apocalypse. it the place was previously popular with all kinds of occultists because of unusual geological structure (the upper layers of the peak belong to earlier geological era), the mountain was also touted as possible alien base, and in its underground part allegedly hiding gates to another world. According to some information, this very peak inspired French writer Jules Verne to write “Travel to the center of the earth.” It was also alleged that her image Steven Spielberg used in his film Close Encounters third degree. ”
End of the World Sun Mayan Civilization