The productivity of optimists is no higher than pessimists

The productivity of optimists is not higher than that of pessimistsA photo from open sources Many of us are used to hearing that optimistic attitude allows you to achieve any heights. American researchers from the University of Utah with this statement do not agree.

Experts conducted a number of studies and determined that optimism does not improve the quality of your activities. Thus, optimistic or pessimistic way of thinking on productivity is completely unaffected.

For the first experiment, the Americans selected ten people, considering themselves optimists, and ten more – pessimists. Before each of them set a difficult task that does not require, however, any special skills. Half an hour later, only one optimist and two pessimists decided it. Then the researchers suggested to the rest of the participants, fifty dollars per assignment. Thirty minutes later, two more optimists coped with the work and as many pessimists.

For the second experiment, scientists selected twenty more people and broke them into two groups. The subjects were given the same task, however, participants in the first group were informed that it was sufficient easy and not difficult to solve. The participants of the second group They heard that the task is complex and they are unlikely to cope with it. Eventually four people from each team completed the task.

In addition, Americans conducted a survey among those who consider themselves optimists compatriots and found that such individuals prefer to color positive any incidents in as a defensive reaction to life’s trials. Deep down they may consider events to be entirely unfavorable, however, Nevertheless, they will force themselves to find positive aspects in them. True it doesn’t improve the effectiveness of efforts and in the end optimists gain nothing from this. At least to this result came to American researchers.

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