The race of cars the size of a molecule

The race of cars the size of a moleculePhotos from open sources of

In the foreseeable future, the French plan to be the first to will hold amazing racing competitions among cars, each of which will be just one molecule.

Vacuum and space cold

Invisible to the naked eye molecular nanocars will be consist of about a hundred atoms. As a race track a special golden surface will come out, and be set in motion such unusual vehicles will be through weak electric shock. The event has already been named “Nanocar Race”, which translates into Russian as “Race nanocars. ”

Despite the fact that one molecule is quite a bit, especially for a car, nanocars will have much more in common with real cars than it might seem at first glance. Each the device will be equipped with a kind of body, axles and four rotating wheels. Behind every miniature race car will be follow the tip of a tunneling microscope, serving not only for car demonstrations to others, but also to give transport means of electric motor potential. It is reported that the races will be held in a complete vacuum, while the race track, and the nanocars themselves will cool to a temperature of minus two hundred sixty eight degrees celsius.

A photo from open sources


Five teams will participate in the first race: representatives Ohio University from the United States; Rice University from Austria, National Institute of Materials Science from Japan, Dresden University of Technology from Germany and the team Professor Paul Sabatier from France. Each group will have to synthesize your microscopic race car at least a day before the start of the competition, since such molecular cars cannot exist in a stable state for long.

The movement of tiny vehicles will be ensured and tracked by the unique LT-Nanoprobe tool created in present specifically for these races. Designed by Toulouse engineers will become the only microscope on the planet electronics capable of demonstrating racing in all its glory molecular machines. Device will be five combined scanning electron microscopes capable of work at extremely low temperatures and move your tips at minimum distances.

Needless to say: despite the fact that every nanocar will overcome distance exceeding its length hundreds of times, duration a ring track consists of just a couple of nanometers – so the whole the race will take place on an area hundreds of thousands of times less than one square millimeter.

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