A photo from open sources
Albinos, that is, animals completely colorless (white) found among many species of animals and birds, but among dolphins can be seen not only white, but also pink specimens. True, this is so rare that every time a person meets a pink dolphin, it gets small by a miracle.
It is such a rare, but because an amazing meeting took place on days in the shipping channel of America (Louisiana). Spouses Bordeaux traveled on a cruise ship when suddenly Bridget saw a group of dolphins briskly jumping out of the water and having fun diving into it again. It was an amazing sight by itself to myself.
However, the woman was struck and prompted to immediately grab the camcorder not even this playful toothy whale – among them were two pink dolphin. This is what the woman told reporters at Khou TV, telling them videos and photos of this rare phenomenon:
At that moment I almost fell overboard in surprise, since my husband and I were just boating. I immediately grabbed video camera and began to shoot dolphins, and her husband tried to go on a par with a ship near which whales frolicked so that I could capture this picture as best as possible. However, no matter how I tried, I didn’t I was able to catch two pink dolphins in the lens at once, they are like laughed at me, jumping out of the water in turn – one after to others. Together, I saw them only at the beginning, when I hadn’t pick up the device. But here is what I will note: videos and photos cannot convey that beauty, that admiration that you experience when everything you see it firsthand.
To clarify, pink dolphins are rare in Louisiana, but still met before, that is, Bridget Boudreaux (Bridget Boudreau) with her husband was not the first to witness this “little miracle.” So, captain Eric Rue (Eric Roux) in 2015 told the press that again I met a pink bottlenose dolphin named Pinky, with whom “met” back in 2007. And one more: one of the pink dolphins located in the dolphinarium of Thailand, admire which tens of thousands of tourists come here every year.
But on the whole, pink toothy whales are the rarest thing in the world, scientists do not even know why such an anomaly occurs in color a dolphin, most likely due to a mutation. No coincidence video Bridget Boudreau has become popular on the Internet, causing not only delight, but even fantastic assumptions: if it floats in the sea pink dolphin, then, means, somewhere in the jungle must run pink elephant or pink hippo …
Water dolphins