Photo from open sources
The governor of the Kemerovo region so much wanted to catch Bigfoot that he nominated in 2010 for an award of million rubles for capturing the legendary monster.
The other day, Aman Tuleyev regretted that with this money no one even claimed. Perhaps many Russians would like get such an impressive amount, however yeti is supposedly who lives in Kuzbass, so far has not been caught by anyone. His even filming a video is not so easy …
Aman Gumirovich said that waiting forever in his plans was not included, therefore, the reward for the capture of a snowman will not get now to nobody. Instead, the money will be spent on other purposes, and it was transferred to the rehabilitation center for children with disabilities in Sheregesh. Despite the fact that the retention of the sasquatch is quite important for the region a question, officials felt that health minor citizens are undoubtedly many times more important.
The theme of snow people is very popular in the Kemerovo region. For many years now, local officials have been forced to study and process information that the forests of the region live humanoid creatures that lead a solitary lifestyle and shun people. Since 2008 in the Kuzbass newspapers have become enticing headlines appear: “Bigfoot ate in the south of the region the whole wild garbage, “” Kemerovo officials went in search of sasquatch “, “Yeti traces found in Azass cave,” and so on.
A photo from open sources
The search for relic hominid in the Kemerovo region was given a truly colossal scale – and for good reason, because in It’s area is more common somewhere in the Russian Federation. The most interesting thing is that the local travel companies quickly realized how to get a new source of income, and organized expeditions to inaccessible tundra, where it is believed that snow people are found most often.
In the aforementioned village of Sheregesh, even several sculptures depicting yeti. And such an advertisement is really bore fruit: already in the summer of 2009 they visited Kuzbass fifteen thousand foreigners who wanted to look at the mythical the monster. And note, some managed to do this, albeit from afar and not quite as we would like …
November 11, 2010 in Kuzbass for the first time took place holiday dedicated to the Bigfoot annual. And he also attracts tourists here, quickly turning into into a peculiar attraction of the local land.
Money Yeti Monsters Snow