The riddle of thinking stones

Remarkable Soviet geochemist and mineralologist Alexander Evgenievich Fersman (1883-1945), returning from an expedition to the Middle Asia, in one of his scientific publications, made the statement, that sapphire and cobblestone are entities overflowing with life-long energies.

Creatures showing their temper – spontaneous movements, dead clings to locations, flights and other “tricks”, sometimes foreshadowing tragic events.

One of the manholes leading to the Kerch quarries of Crimea, almost not 300 years a huge boulder of amazing red-pink blocked colors with snow-white shingles. Greek locals – considered a stone the house of an evil spirit, bypassed.

A photo from open sources

Therefore, when on June 21, 1941 the boulder was moved with a knife of a bulldozer from a place, intending to use it as a tombstone on mass grave of the heroes of the Civil War, the people murmured: “Spirit angry, be trouble! ”

The trouble, however, hesitated, revealing miracles. Every single one is small and medium sized stones in a circle of 150 meters started chaotic, match Brownian movement. Willfully began to call colo-col-clapper used to induce artel workers.

In the warehouses of the nearest military unit, three crates exploded with cartridges. An hour passed and the red-pink giant stood up like rooted to the spot, calmed down. Not for long. The day started The Great Patriotic War. And, curiously, the boulder continued weird by setting fire to the grass and ironing the bush until the enemy expelled.

In the early fifties, the handsome monolith was nevertheless sawn and used for decorating. Everything went quietly, without signs of devilry, which can not be said about the events of the second half XVIII century in the estate of Kuskovo, owned by the chamberlain imperial court Count N.P. Sheremetyev (175-1809).

Here’s what the serf told about the “gulba of evil kamenyuki” architect F.S. Argunov.


“Where the pond was being prepared, there were great volumes of stone, on which, using as a basis, it was decided arrange a cleanly planed chapel without any paint coatings. A rock it was necessary to remove from the pit, straighten to work on him.

No matter how hard the six horses pulled by the train pulled, they did not move daredevil. If the stone swayed a little, under it and on the hills grass flashed with fire, the land was tuberous, a distant large pond spilled from the shores, covering the kennel and five houses of the servants.

The amazed foreman Ilya Pokrovskikh cried out: “Damn you took it away at all! “The water was gone, the grass burning stopped. The damn kamenyuka cracked out, becoming material, suitable for building a foundation. The chapel where the human graveyard is on it was cut down. They did not have time to sanctify. On Pokrova that chapel incinerated, taking up the flames from below. Well, another stone, having loved peace, do not move, so that famously circumvented. ”

A photo from open sources

Any number of stones anywhere that “adore” the movement. On the the territory of Kazakhstan, not far from Semipalatinsk, there is an extensive a section of the forest-steppe, from ancient times called the Wandering Field. Here rounded boulders, for some reason only in the winter months, start racing in different sides, plowing wavy ragged furrows.

In 1832, the salt merchant tradesman Ivan Troitsky had the opportunity to observe the development of the phenomenon. In a letter sent to his brother Cyril in Omsk, he writes: “The stones do not roll. Run, crawl with one side, scattering sheaves visible even in the sun spark The stones plow tolerably without sowing. Because on the bald spots, where are they frolic, nothing grows. Gray air envelops them. Breathing on the field is easier than the surroundings. The soul is depressed, longing rolls. Rather, in the saddle, but from there! ”

The impressions of Ivan Troitsky, a salt merchant, are indistinguishable from the fact that survived at the end of the XVII century deacon of the Pereslavl Semenov Church Anthony Pet-Rushev, unsuccessfully trying to calm the Blue-stone, haunted the Orthodox people by the fact that buried deep, crushed by an earthen mound, he slept peacefully six months, then suddenly fired from the mound, like a cannonball.

In winter, when they drove on a sleigh through Lake Pleshcheyevo, a stone with a sleigh broke, red-hot, melting ice, went to the bottom. Fishermen in clear weather saw a stone under water. Slowly but surely he moved to the shore. After 50 years, he returned to his former place – hillock blown by all winds. More stone is not naughty – because he was not disturbed.


Unfortunately, Russian scientists do not touch the morals of the stone world. Another thing is Chinese geophysicists. Taking for the working hypothesis what the atypical behavior of boulders and cobblestones is obviously associated with emissions of the strongest gravitational and anti-gravitational energies geopathic faults, they are armed with an all-hearing and all-seeing equipment, went to Tibet, where they camped near of the oldest Northern monastery, the monks of which are now one and a half millennia make up the biography of the so-called Stone Buddhas.

According to legend, his hands were imprinted on the stone. This one weighs the shrine is 1,100 kilograms. Rises to a mountain with a height of 2,565 meters and descends from it along a spiral path in the upper and lower points drawing circles. Every lift fits exactly in 16 years. Twirling around the mountain and on top occupy half centuries.

A photo from open sources

Chinese scientists using laser rangefinders, acoustic, seismic sensors, night vision devices found that visually the movement of the boulder is impossible to notice. Nonetheless the maximum speed developed by him reaches a third of a kilometer in hour. A creeping stone envelops a faint glow. Sounds are also heard. low key, a bit of an inarticulate senile muttering.


Final conclusions made by a group of Chinese researchers, consonant with long-standing, put forward A.E. Fersman, hypothesis. Scientists suggest that moving stone structures – the manifestation of silicium or silicon life forms. However, boulders and blocks are activated, begin to show themselves where constantly gathering people passionately wanting the same.

Frequency spectra of super-weak radiation of the subconscious, superimposing on the frequency spectra of ultra-weak silicon radiation inclusions of stones enter resonance, generating tangible kinetic energies. Our group subconscious, regardless of our will, as if jokes on us. Stone organisms whose age exceeds the limit of millions, even billions of years, figuratively speaking, they begin to behave like heated wax, on which imprinted subconscious desires of people. Intriguing mesmerizing!

War Water Life Stones China

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