The riddle of vitrified forts

The riddle of vitrified fortsPhotos from open sources of

On our planet constantly find inappropriate artifacts, that is evidence that official science simply does not accept, sinking sometimes to outright lies. It’s more convenient and safer for eminent scientists and academicians …

Among such inexplicable, and therefore little-known broad public phenomena – heated debate, or, if we speak scientific tongue, vitrified forts. These are defensive walls or ramparts, built in antiquity (from the Neolithic, as established independent historians, and until Celtic times), which are even a masterpiece you cannot name architecture. What is their uniqueness and even more so – a riddle so objectionable to official science?

The fact is that these walls, which are mainly in western part of Europe, underwent in due time – vitrification, then there is a partial reflow, resulting in voids between the stones filled with glassy slag (see photo). Maybe this only under the influence of a temperature of about 1300 degrees Celsius, and in the open air (it’s difficult to create such a modern technology).

A photo from open sources

No wonder many alternative researchers right there attributed all this to alien technology. However, orthodox scholars also tried to put forward their materialist version, which it sounds something like this:

It is possible that in those days, people knew how to melt fine sandstone in special furnaces, which then used in the form of a solution to connect large stones. With this technology has been forgotten or replaced by a lighter one, when instead of a glass solution they began to use clay.

However, if everything is so simple and clear, why in this case vitrified forts academic science constantly pushes back into a shadow of history: they seem to be there, but they don’t seem to be. Like talking this is also inconvenient, as, say, at a wedding about the dead. A therefore, this understatement gives rise to all sorts of myths and conjectures. Remember that before scientists understood the nature of lightning, people perceived these heavenly signs as the tread of the Gods, prostrated themselves and were baptized.

However, official science does not know the true nature of lightning. still, at least, is just beginning to guess atomic reaction of this physical phenomenon, for example, a previous version I couldn’t give an answer why the thunder was booming (almost an explosion), and not an ordinary crack is heard accompanying similar electrical ranks …

Time Stones

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