A photo from open sources
From the author: “On the night of December 9, 2012, when I went to bed, I heard a loud rumble, at first thought that the plane, but the rumble lasted about 10 minutes, Then I decided to capture these things on camera. The outskirts of the city of Omsk, rumble came from the side opposite the city center. “Airport not near, he is on the other side of the city. In the comments to the video suggest that perhaps this is CHP – 5? vapor in cooling towers.
One of the users writes that for three days now he has heard this in Krasnoyarsk: “I in Krasnoyarsk for 3 days in a row hear this in my bedroom area. The plants are far away, but the sound from the sky is audible. Thought planes often fly and went out onto the balcony yesterday decided to listen. and realized that this is not aircraft. The buzz continued for a long time, exactly the same as here on video.?”