The Russian hermit has even the Internet

The Russian hermit has even the InternetA photo from open sources Dozens of kilometers from the Russian capital domestic journalists found a hermit settlement founded former successful lawyer. A man who once made money on life in a metropolis by an office clerk, now lives in a tiny dugout almost without all the benefits of civilization, to which we are used to.

Yuri Alekseev, professing such a lifestyle, has nevertheless less battery, solar panels and an old laptop with wireless network access. According to the hermit, from the personal he will not refuse a computer with the Internet in any case, since the world wide web serves as endless sources for him classical literature and music that have long been public commons.

Living for several years in Spartan conditions, Yuri got used to engage in continuous improvement of your body, however, also souls. The Hermit Is Not Interested In The News of the modern world, because it believes that the world has long gone on the wrong way, and good news from there anyway be not can.

Alekseev already has several supporters who built their homes near his dugout. These long-standing people absolutely happy and content from what they have, once again prove that man artificially surrounded himself with a bunch of useless things that cause addiction, not to mention the mass ailments and bad habits.

The local table of the former lawyer and his “colleagues” is rather ascetic – the inhabitants of the settlement grow and produce for themselves food – however, everyone in need can be treated and, if wishes to become part of this amazing community.

A life

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