The Russian Ministry of Defense has found the legendary Atlantis

The Russian Ministry of Defense has found the legendary AtlantisA photo from open sources

The Russian satellite “Cosmos 2499” found for the most part North America is an increase in powerful piezoelectric discharges, which entailed a number of obscure at first glance disasters, like the crash of American fighters in Nevada, mysterious lights in los angeles utah and mexico electric storm in San Francisco and so on.

Analyzing what can cause such a powerful manifestation piezoelectricity, Russian scientists came to the conclusion that in the thickness our planet has huge reserves of water commensurate with the world ocean, but … in the form of a crystal, which generates the above effects.

It is these gigantic reserves of water that burst to the surface planets, the researchers write, were setting up global floods, radically changing the appearance of the planets and destroying previous civilizations, for example, Atlantis.

But look for the legendary country scientists SFLMRD (Division promising military research and development of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) offer not the Atlantic Ocean, as has been done so far, and in the heart of America, that is, in the Western Interior Seaway USA.

The location that everyone knows today as Yellowstone Caldera – this is the burial ground of ancient Atlantis, the mainland, which today is just starting to rise – “to rise from the ashes”, that is, its titans awaken to life. A because all geological processes on the continent, bordering on global catastrophes are connected with this process, and the rise of Atlantis causes gigantic pressure on the water crystal, which is accompanied by the manifestation of powerful piezoelectric discharges and the accompanying mysterious phenomena and disasters …

Atlantis Water Russia

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