The secret door of Padmanabhaswami Temple, which want to open

The secret door of the Padmanabhaswami temple that they want to openA photo from open sources

Despite the fact that the mysterious riches of the Indian temple Padmanabhaswami on the Internet, including on our website, you can find a lot of materials, his secret continues to excite many people, especially at the beginning of the next year, because the authorities India does not give up hope to open its last repository, for whose doors can be truly untold wealth.

The officials in this case can be understood, since it is assumed that the last unopened vault of this ancient temple is fraught with treasure equivalent to several tens of billions of dollars (or even much more), which in no way will be superfluous for the treasury state. Here are just believing Indians against such a decision authorities.

By the way, there were six underground vaults in the temple, five of which have already been opened (the last opening occurred in 2011). AND even these, apparently, are not very protected by the Higher Powers caches demonstrated untold wealth of tens of billions dollars. And what is the last door sealed by the sign of the serpent? TO in a word, on those mysterious gates in the dungeon there are neither castles nor even loops, and it is believed that you can open them only by reading special mantra by the great confessor. Neither such a powerful magician nor there is no mysterious mantra in India (or is it also reliably by someone guarded), and forcibly opening the door, as local say priests and sorcerers, will lead not to treasures, but to disasters for Indian people and the country as a whole.

A photo from open sources

As for the famous treasures, they are at all times sealed with special spells that did not allow any find, nor get treasures, even if the very place of their burial will be detected. It must be assumed that the last vault of the temple Padmanabhaswami presents something similar. These are doors with snakes. more than once tried to open, for example, the English colonialists in the beginning of the last century, however, this did not lead to anything other than to meaningless human sacrifices.

But every year for the authorities of India begins with the fact that someone from officials again raises the need to get these billions or even trillions of dollars that are stored in the dungeon Padmanabhaswami. The temptation, of course, is great, especially when you consider that in the leadership of India there are more and more Westerners rational thinking for which hindu legends seem invented fairy tales. Similar reckless actions during all times it was the materialists who committed it. And although they are like they say, they did not believe in God or in hell, this, most often (there were, of course, and exceptions), did not save them from the curses of the sealed treasures, tombs and so on.

Well, let’s hope that this year the current supreme Indian authorities have the wisdom not to open the last, most the mysterious vault of the Padmanabhaswami Temple.


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