The shoemaker is in boots

The shoemaker is wearing bootsPhotos from open sources

There is such a saying in Russian – “a shoemaker without boots”, pointing to the paradox of human thinking, at least least a person with a Russian mentality. However in the world this the principle almost does not work, especially with regard to medical workers.

For example, Australian researchers have found that, for example, in the United States five out of a thousand doctors die from drug overdose. That is, medical professionals having access to narcotic drugs, they do not remain without them – it’s not for you Shoemaker without shoes. It seems that Russian doctors are somewhat sinful, only in Russia no one has yet explored this area drug intoxication of the population, especially since drugs health workers can use not only for themselves but also for sales. True, drug control in Russia is now medical facilities has become several orders of magnitude higher than it was in the USSR.

But in America, researchers at Monash University determined (Australia), healthcare providers often resort to drugs, over the past ten years, for this reason, more than four hundred have passed away medical specialists, and especially veterinarians. The latter most often die due to the use of barbiturates – strong drugs available in veterinary medicine used to euthanize pets.

Australia Russia

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