A photo from open sources a nerve node formed by a nerve extending from the spinal cord, which is called the solar plexus or plexus Solaris. it abdominal nerve center; it is sometimes called the abdominal brain. He has influence not only on the most important functions of our body, for example breathing, blood circulation, but also on the emotional side person. Occult psychologists recognize the solar plexus for a real magnetic center that affects others and, in its a queue accessible to the influence of others. Indian yogis who in occult psychology far ahead of us, solar the plexus is recognized, so to speak, for the storehouse of magnetism. This nervous the center plays a huge role in human health and life. Just you will feel any desire, temptation – focus on him all your attention, all your thoughts; thanks to this desire grows. Then stand straight, legs together, close your eyes and start slowly through the nose, closing your mouth, inhale the air in for 8 seconds, mentally saying: “I am arrogating to myself the power of this desire, develop goodwill. “Then hold your breath for 8 seconds, not lowering the chest, thinking: “I absorb this force; it now belongs to me. “Finally, slowly for 8 seconds exhale through your nose, mentally saying: “Now I have a strong magnetic force and pull everything to exercise. “Repeat this breath is 7-14 times. Your desire will pass; you calm down feel in yourself, in your nerves some power, vigor, freshness. Practice it when fear, grief takes hold of you, despondency, apathy, laziness, etc. exercise more often. This exercise acts directly on the solar plexus, massaging and exciting it with organs adjacent to it; and concentration attention and thoughts on the absorption of energy directs it into this “pantry of magnetism.” Here is such useful information.