The stems are not birds or insects

A photo from open sources

In the mid-1990s, the lexicon of ufologists and other researchers of abnormal phenomena entered a new word – “Rods” aka “Screws” (from the English. “Rods”) or “Skyfish” (from English “sky” – “sky” and “fish” – “fish”).

A photo from open sources

This phenomenon refers to image artifacts in the form of oblong thin objects with a longitudinal flickering “fringe” (screw). For the first time, this phenomenon was noticed by ufologist Jose Amateur escamilla (United States, state New Mexico, 1994). He was the first to begin a focused search and shooting “augers”, since then in different countries appeared as supporters and opponents of the phenomenon. Ufologists associate “screws” with UFOs or the activities of aliens, cryptozoologists consider them an unknown new life form, and the prosaic explanation says that the “screws” are created that fall into the frame of a movie flying insects!

One of the fruitful Ukrainian researchers of “screws” lives in Kharkov. Sergey Olegovich Petrov became interested them in parallel with a whole cohort of other abnormal phenomena with beginning of the third millennium. He is not a supporter of blind denial, Moreover, in the course of a long study, he came to his own final conclusions about the true nature of “augers”. Today he answers questions of “Ukraine Anomalous” in exclusive interview.

– Sergey Olegovich, how did you come to anomalistic studies? -He became interested in ufology in the late 1980s. At the end of 1989, it happened see for the first time a UFO, which, in fact, influenced my addiction to the study of the unknown. Since 2009 began cooperate with the Kharkov planetarium and ufological organizations of Ukraine. I periodically participate in various expeditions. Since 2011 I have been cooperating with a Kharkov organization, specializing in the study of underground structures. I hold monthly meetings on anomalistic issues in Kharkov planetariums.

– When and how first became interested in the phenomenon “augers”? – A documentary about the discovery of Mexican by ufologists in 1994, the so-called phenomenon of “screws” or “rods”, had a chance to see only at the beginning of the 2000s. Mostly on rumors were the appearance in the sky of the standard UFO phenomenon of various forms, but the new open phenomenon basically had an elongated the shape of the cane and differed in the length of the body. And seriously engaged in this an anomaly since 2007. – Sami personally with him (“phenomenon”) have encountered? – In 2007, at one of the playgrounds I accidentally recorded a similar flight on the camcorder anomalies that flew at high speed into a concrete slab, not leaving no trace upon disappearance. These steel objects noticeable only in frame-by-frame viewing, as they were not visually spotted. Since I could not relate what I saw to what I know natural phenomena or flying representatives of the fauna, then realized that the phenomenon of “flying rods” (screws) is also manifested in our country Ukraine. When I carefully watched my videos from Crimea for 1996 and 2006, it turned out that the new phenomenon repeatedly was recorded in large quantities. This phenomenon was not like that. a rare occurrence compared to the UFO phenomenon and gave more opportunities to study it.

A photo from open sources

– How often did you encounter Ukrainian augers? Which episode surprised you the most? – IN mostly the “screws” are found in the Crimea, but not only. The most amazing episodes were those that manifestations allowed to make a number of new discoveries in this phenomenon. Some of them: in 2002 when recording eyewitnesses the fighter’s fall on the crowd of spectators at the Lviv airport Sknilov recorded moments of reading the reasons for the fall the plane; in 2006, when I recorded the Alchak reef in Sudak (Crimea) by me the rod was recorded at great speed from the edge of the cliff and span of a rod with electronic engine noise, in 2009 at I recorded a video hunt on the Alchak reef in Sudak (Crimea) a clear point of departure of the rod from a rocky surface; in 2009 when shooting a birthday video in the hallway of the house was fixed flight of the screw from the sideboard, which flying at least the trajectory and touching the birthday boy, flew back to the sideboard, during materialization and disappearance of which were recorded claps; in 2009, during a video shooting by a wedding operator in the village of Laznya (Poltava region) the span of a rod with a given a trajectory whose purpose was to scan the drinker’s stack ultrasound, which is clearly audible opposite to finding this piles. In general, there were a lot of such cases! -What are the main characteristics of augers? How do they differ from their main congeners, the ubiquitous but elusive UFOs? -This flying device has a different shape, basically it case in the form of canes. Sometimes there are small wings. Also often wings have a helical shape, which are located along the entire length of the housing. Screw visualization depends on the length of the flying devices themselves, and so, in connection with overflights huge speeds, it is almost impossible to notice them! At identifying data of flying objects, I often listen an audio phone at the time of flight, which may come from objects and to have an abnormal nature of sound, both during spans and in moments of materialization or disappearance, not peculiar insect. Also, flying rods may not indicate peculiar changes in the trajectories of flights of objects that contrary to the aerodynamic properties of insects. Appearance theory I do not consider this phenomenon from any parallel worlds reasonable, since it does not indicate anything and nothing confirmed! – There are different versions of the origin “augers”. Which is the most plausible of yours sight? – Given all the facts that I have identified in a few years of study of this phenomenon, these objects are tools for reading information (measurement parameters) history of events on Earth in time continua from the future. At first, I assumed that it could be flying insects, accidentally or intentionally on our planet, but in 2008 I I could classify this phenomenon in detail. While listening audio at maximum volume when flying one of the rods, by me Artificial electronic noise emanating from engine of this flying object, which could not relate to insects, and has the properties of technological character. Perhaps in the distant future, our planet will become dead, but there will be traces of the stay of civilizations that will noticed by other highly developed VCs flying around the Earth. At With their high level of development, the CCs were able to conquer space and time moving in a time continuum. Driven by curiosity they set on a dead planet and near-earth orbits teleports of time (“time machines”) and with the help of new technological devices, study its history. Manifestations “Flying rods” these days, as well as various “UFOs” can are tools for reading all kinds of information from the future VTs. The properties of unidentified flying objects also indicate this. with unexpected materialization, as well as an unexpected disappearance in space, which indicates the work of the time machine in the future. This is also indicated by the fact that in most The Flying Rods and UFO cases appear before events, which are just about to happen, that is, about which should be known in advance. – It sounds corny, but according to skeptics, this cannot be, because this can never be. The most A common explanation for “augers” is birds spread in flight and insects … – Of course, most skeptics will consider that this phenomenon does not exist and it is only optical video effect, supposedly insects turn into ramrods because of exposure. This is partly true, but this opinion is generally wrongly. “Flying rods” tend to move quickly in space, faster than the speed of perception of our vision and not surprisingly, we do not notice them. Also objects automatically lose the status of an insect, as they appear in all environments: vacuum (space), the atmosphere and even in water (oceans). Fixation in the photo and video of flights in the frosty winter season also contrary to the properties of insects. You can see moments in the video materialization of flying objects, as well as their disappearance, which do not change the nature of the structure of bodies during take-offs and departures of material objects that contradicts the recognized laws of physics of our time. – What advice can you give the experts to to distinguish true augers from photographs of smeared birds and insects? – For many researchers there is no question of recognition of the very fact of the reality of UFOs, but for me there is no question of recognition of the Flying Rods phenomenon. I advise experts use the entire set of technological progress for research principles of the devices themselves, and not waste time on them provability. And I want to remind skeptics that if someone some things seem too fantastic, sometimes they don’t realize that they themselves are the main characters of this fantasy!

Time Crimea Time Machine Insects Birds Ukraine

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