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It’s still unknown who he really was – a cryptid, a guest from another parallel world or a variety poltergeist. One thing is for sure – a talking mongoose named Jeff became one of the most amazing and famous mythical creatures. A mysterious animal with a human personality even appeared in its time cause for proceedings in the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom and Hearings in the British Parliament.
Jeff’s appearance at the farmhouse
It all started in 1931 on the Isle of Man. September farm the Irving family, who lived near the village of Delby, collided in the attic of his house with a strange creature resembling to the rat. It ran fast there, pounded and threw to the sides various items. Then the uninvited guest began to babble something, like a baby. Needless to say, the British were to the extreme shocked by such a find.
A photo from open sources
Over time, the animal, which turned out to be an Indian mongoose, ceased hide and began to talk with the owners of the house thin human voice. Irving thought a startling roommate learned english in a few weeks by eavesdropping on conversations families. Mongoose called himself Jeff and said that he was born in 1852 year in Delhi however was forced to flee by ship in Great Britain hiding from Indian authorities.
Confronting a Talking Mongoose
Jeff said that he did not like the house at all, and ordered people expand and improve it. Otherwise mongoose threatened to destroy all poultry, and also hinted that a similar fate may threaten the owners. Frightened for their Irving’s life declared war on an impudent beast, trying to shoot, poison and trap him. Jeff, however, turned out to be very smart and completely hurt. He once demonstrated to residents, who can easily light a match. The Irving was horrified because they realized that if desired, the mongoose can burn the whole house, however, the animal did not.
A photo from open sources
The family quickly realized that Jeff only requires attention and will not cause physical harm to people, since the Irvings were the only friends, breadwinners and listeners of the mysterious creatures. The warring parties quickly reconciled, and the mongoose built a semblance of a nest in the room of the daughter of the spouses.
The amazing character of the animal
Over time, the animal learned to speak very arrogantly and pompous – in his rhetorical abilities he was clearly ahead farmers. Jeff also loved running to a nearby quarry and eavesdrop on the conversations of the workers – from them he picked up such select curses that they would make any shoemaker blush.
A photo from open sources
According to the Irving, deep down, the mongoose respected them very much and I tried to find an individual approach to each tenant of the house, although hid his affection for people. Jeff’s character was pretty bad – he considered himself better than others and constantly demanded from people of unquestioning submission to themselves, which often resulted in quarrels and squabbles. On the other hand, the mongoose really wanted to help to people. In total, he killed and brought into the house about three hundred rabbits, which the poor family was very happy. Jeff also served as an alarm clock and watched the stove.
Official investigations
Irving did not hide his roommate, so he quickly became local fame, although he did not communicate with other people. Once upon a time the house was granted by a newspaper employee who asked to be taken from the speaker beast interview. Jeff never came down to the journalist, however shouted that he did not want to see anyone.
Jeff became interested in the National Laboratory of Mental research, and then the military. The mongoose again did not appear to strangers, however, shouted from above that he did not intend with anyone to communicate. The House of Commons ordered several investigations to describe and study the phenomenon, but without Jeff’s assistance this is not managed to do.
A photo from open sources
What happened to Jeff?
In 1937, the Irving left their home. To journalists’ questions about miraculous mongoose they evasively answered that the animal had long left them. In 1946, a farmer who settled here claimed to have shot a strange animal, looking like a squirrel or a ferret. This the news caused grief among all Britons who believed in existence talking mongoose. However, the Irving daughter stated that it unlikely since Jeff was too smart and careful for such a ridiculous death.