The strange and instructive story of Count Sandor Vey

The strange and instructive story of Count Sandor WayA photo from open sources

This unusual story happened in the century before last in Hungary. At Count Ladislav Vey and his beloved wife had not had a son for many years, which together with the title would inherit a huge fortune.

In 1858, the countess finally worried about all this got pregnant. At that time, Ladislav’s health caused great alarm, and therefore the couple considered their unborn child “great miracle “and” last hope. “They did not even allow the thought that it maybe a girl.

However, it happened just like that: the countess had a daughter. Unhappy the woman was in despair, she was afraid that the count would not tolerate this news. There was only one way out – to inform him that a boy was born, and trust in God …

Surprisingly, Ladislav believed in this holy lie and did not checking the gender of the baby. The newborn was called a man’s name Sandor, dressed her up like a boy and presented boyish toys. The child had no doubt that he was a boy and arranged so that like all the boys, especially since he grew up and was brought up at home, away from other children …

A photo from open sources

Growing up Sandor taught to ride a horse and practice men’s sports. The young man (we will call him that) got education proper to the aristocrat of Hungary. For all this time count Wei never doubted his gender the long-awaited offspring …

As for baptism, the situation was as follows: the countess told the priest about her secret and begged him to write down a girl under the name Charlotte, and when performing the rite use the name Sandor. Having received a decent reward, the priest did so.

Count Shandor Way or Countess Charlotte Way?

When the young count was fourteen, his mother again got pregnant. After the allotted time she has to her unlimited joy was born a boy, this time a real one. Deciding what to store in Secret sex of Sandor no longer makes sense, happy the countess told her husband everything, sincerely obeyed and was forgiven.

After that, my parents tried to make Charlotte out of Sandor, however, they failed. The daughter categorically refused to wear women’s clothing and indulge in occupations befitting a young lady. She begged her father to let her go under the guise of a man on military service or go to university. However count Wei remained adamant.

This family war lasted until Sandor (Charlotte) has not reached the age of majority – twenty-one of the year. Then he left the parental home, happily threw everything away dresses and, having bought a dandy wardrobe, set off to travel around Europe. Sandor Way drank, smoked, gambled and started a duel with everyone who spoke disrespectfully of him.

A photo from open sources

Then began a series of falling in love with young girls Count Wei was inundated with expensive gifts. Despite the fact that at times Sandor worked (he wrote articles in a Hungarian newspaper), such a wasteful lifestyle turned into great debts for him. At first, Sandor asked for money from his father, after when father was forced to refuse him, engaged in fraud with fake checks. IN in the end the young count decided to get rich by marrying not girl, and on the “dowry.” Note that Sandor did this scam. as many as eight times! .. For example, in the capital of Hungary alone on at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries lived six women who after the divorce, they held the title of Countess Wei.

The last, eighth, wife of Sandor was Mary Englehart, daughter wealthy industrialist. The mother-in-law disliked her son-in-law and, having suspected self-interest, helped the police to reveal some of his former fraud. And the earl of Sandor was soon arrested.

Of course, he was examined in prison – and the secret of Count Wei was disclosed. In the newspapers covering this trial, the defendant was called a countess. As a result, the court ruled that the strange Sandor’s behavior, not excluding his penchant for fraud, apparently became a consequence of his childhood psychological trauma. The defendant was released in peace.

What happened to him next? No longer Sandor married and married also did not go out. He wrote several collections of poems and about a dozen novels that came out in Hungary under the name of Sandor Vey. This extraordinary person died of pneumonia while being at that time in Switzerland, it happened in 1918. They on his deathbed did not want to become Countess Charlotte Way …


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