A photo from open sources
There is an organ in our body that is very little talked about, but which can rightfully be called a “point of happiness.” And look for it for a long time do not. This is the thymus gland (thymus). Located at the top chest, right at the base of the sternum. Discover her very simple: for this you need to attach two fingers together below clavicular notches. This will be the approximate location of the thymus glands.
The thymus gland got its name due to its characteristic shape, resembling a triangular fork. However, only healthy looks like this iron – the damaged most often takes the form of a butterfly or sail. The thymus gland has another name – the thymus, which in translated from Greek means “vitality.” In the 60s last century, scientists dawned that the thymus gland belongs to organs of the immune system! And not to secondary ones, like lymph nodes, glands or adenoids, and to the most that neither is central.
Thymus function. Long-term observations have shown that human life in many respects depends on this pink piece of iron, features the life of babies who are not yet five years old. Thymus is the “school” of accelerated cell training immune system (lymphocytes) formed from stem cells bone marrow. Once in the thymus, newborn “soldiers” immune systems are converted to T-lymphocytes that can fight viruses, infections and autoimmune diseases. After that in fully operational, they enter the bloodstream. And the most intensive training takes place in the first 2-3 years of life, and closer to five years, when the defenders are recruited for a very decent army, thymus function begins to fade. By the age of 30, it fades almost completely, and closer to forty from the thymus gland, like as a rule, there is no trace left. Body antiage. Thymus extinction medics called involution, or reverse development, although some people the thymus does not disappear completely – a weak trace remains in the form of a small accumulation of lymphoid and adipose tissue. Why the thymus in some people grows old and resolves earlier, while in others later, it’s hard to say. Maybe it’s all about genetic predispositions, maybe in a way of life … But doctors are sure: what later it will be better. And all because the thymus iron can slow down the body’s biological clock in other words, slow down aging.
So, during one of the experiments, two dogs (old and young) had a thymus transplant operation. Old the young gland was implanted in the animal, and the old one was implanted in the young dog. IN As a result, the first animal quickly got better, became eat more, behave more actively and generally look a couple of years younger. And the second quickly grew old, decrepit, until it died of old age.
Why is this happening? Yes, because the thymus is not only collects an army of T-lymphocytes, but also produces thymic hormones that activate the immune system improve skin regeneration, contribute to the rapid restoration of cells. In short, the thymus (thymus gland) is doing serious work rejuvenation of the whole body.
Youth injection. Immunologists have found a way to renew aging glands – for this, you need a little bit: a suspension of embryonic stem cells, syringe and skillful hands of a doctor who will introduce them directly into the thymus. By design, this simple manipulation will cause the fading organ to fully recover, returning to its host lost youth. According to proponents of the method, such an injection is far more effective than stem cell injection into the blood, where they quickly collapse, giving only short-term surge of strength, energy and youth. Life after death. But still You should not be afraid of the natural extinction of the thymus gland. No threats to human life this natural process is not presents. The fact is that in the first five years of active work thymus manages to provide the human body with such a reserve T-lymphocytes, which is enough for the rest of my life. TO in addition, the function of the retired gland is partially assumed certain skin cells that are capable of synthesizing thymic hormones. What does she like. Like all organs of the immune system, the thymus adores protein, which, on the one hand, is a building material for antibodies, and on the other – enhances the activity of her own cells, and preference should be give to proteins of animal origin (they can be found in fish, meat, cheese, dairy products, spirulina, buckwheat, beans).
In addition to the protein diet, the thymus also loves thermal treatments. His surely like a sauna, a warming compress, rubbing ointments based on essential oils or a physiotherapy session. True, immunologists don’t advise getting involved in thymus stimulation, after all, prolonged activity will inevitably lead to depletion of the organ, and this may cause the opposite effect. So you should warm the thymus no longer than 5-10 days, preferably shortly before the period of colds.
As for the disease itself, which occurs with temperature, then in this moment stimulation of the thymus can lead to damage in organ tissues and a more rapid course of the disease (it will pass faster, but it will be harder to carry it). So apply to thymus compresses are best when the disease is only begins and a person feels weakness, lethargy, he appears runny nose, but the temperature does not rise.
What she does not tolerate. The thymus does not tolerate stresses (noise, temperature changes, anesthesia). During stress iron is compressed, which leads to a decrease in vital energy. Stresses require the mobilization of all T-lymphocytes, resulting in the thymus has to rush to prepare new defenders. Therefore, in a person who is often at risk and nervous, the thymus gland wears out and ages faster.
Although a malfunction in the thymus can be caused by a deficiency cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. As a result the thymus has to work for two, which can lead to to the development of thymomegaly (enlarged gland) or thymoma (tumor thymus). Both of these diseases can be suspected in sluggish, often people with colds, herpes and flu. An accurate diagnosis can put on the basis of an x-ray, the results of ultrasound or immunograms (a reduced number of T-lymphocytes indicates possible thymus problems).
How to stimulate the thymus gland? Weakened thymus can reinforce through the simplest method literally in a matter of seconds.
The method is to knock lightly 10-20 times hand at the location of the gland. Such tapping is possible produce with your fingertips or an easily clenched fist, choosing nice rhythm. This way you can in a few seconds stabilize the body and fill it with life-giving energy.
But rubbing this place, on the contrary, has a weakening effect. Of course, you can also just put your hand on the thymus and let the energy flow. This is another effective feature. application of vital energy.
If you regularly activate your thymus every morning and repeat this procedure several times during the day, then through a short period of time you will feel much more strong.
You can add affirmations, for example, such as: “I young, healthy, beautiful ”, or think up your own, only necessarily positive.
When your thymus gland is activated, you can feel “goosebumps” and feel the feelings of joy and happiness. It may take some time until you feel something. Perform this exercise every day and you will definitely feel it. act.
If you have frequent bouts of excitement, panic, stress – do it is several times a day and you can regain your life balance.
Life time