A photo from open sources
Another self-titled “time traveler” appeared in World Wide Web. His YouTube video call has collected many views and comments. Young man calling Noah himself, claims to have been in the foreseeable future, namely 2030, and safely returned back today. This the individual happily talks about what they say is waiting humanity in 12 years. So what does he prophesy to us?
According to Noah, in 2021, American President Donald Trump, despite all the criticism towards him, will be elected to the second term. In 2030, a woman became the head of the United States for the first time. and her name will be Ilana Remiki. Global climate change will progress and over the next decade in Europe it will get colder, and in North America, on the contrary, it will become warmer. Already in 2028 will be the first expedition to Mars. Electric cars will be rapidly replace vehicles with combustible fuel and will reach speeds of up to 970 kilometers per hour. Household robotic assistants will begin to engage. In addition, by 2030 scientists will find cures for some common forms cancer.
Divorced time travelers – no hang up
Our hero allegedly even passed a lie detector test. Turning on the video below, you can see this process with my own eyes. Polygraph, if you believe in the legality of the experiment, unequivocally confirmed that Noah is telling the truth and only the truth. However, many users of the World Wide Web immediately stated that in in reality, the lie detector does not work at all and does not give out messages like true or false. Instead, he measures physiological reactions of the body (pulse, respiratory rate, pressure) on questions and thus determines at what points the individual is stressed, that is, he is telling a lie.
In addition, “prophecies” about the future seem suspicious. this time traveler, his fantasy is too poor, with users note maliciously, could come up with something more interesting. Finally, there were those who noticed that recently such too many travelers divorced – apparently, it has become more fashionable and attractive business than meeting with aliens or damn it. Progress, however …