The UN again called for an embassy to aliens

The UN again called for an embassy for aliensA photo from open sources

The followers of the realism movement once again turned to United Nations requesting an international conference on the possibility of creating an embassy on Earth for representatives of an alien civilization. Members of this cult believe that life on our “blue ball” was created aliens, and they will definitely come into open contact in the future with humanity. And the UN, they say, is bound to contribute to this.

Raelism, considered a ufological religion, was founded in 1973 year by the French journalist Claude Vorilon after the one allegedly personally faced with the “green little men, “who revealed to him the secret of the origin of life on The earth. Today, this movement is represented in 90 countries. His devotees have certain finances, thanks to which, among other things, sponsor various scientific research in in this direction.

A photo from open sources

These people believe that potential diplomatic relations earthlings with aliens are incredibly important, and humanity owes think about them now. According to the realtors themselves, several countries have expressed interest in opening an embassy for aliens. Say, many politicians refuse old-fashioned beliefs that “green men” want to hurt us (and especially since they don’t exist at all), and look at a hypothetical encounter with aliens is optimistic.

It is interesting that the ralit once turned to Vladimir Putin with a request to open in Russia the notorious embassy. The President, apparently, left cult participants unanswered. In our country, realism does not have any official status, but in his homeland, in France, he was recognized in 1995 as an ordinary sect. However, not too dangerous: human sacrifices and mass Raelites do not commit suicide. And believe in aliens in France not yet prohibited …

Life Russia

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