The universe exists at the expense of human consciousness, scientists said

The universe exists at the expense of human consciousness, scientists said.A photo from open sources

Many scientists are trying to understand what is human consciousness, and what is its nature.

More recently, two scientists Deepak Chopra and Menas Kafatos (Chapman University) reported that human consciousness is the universe itself is. In other words, without humanity, the universe will not exist. Scientists note that consciousness and space are inextricable and at the subatomic level are a single whole.

According to scientists, the Universe itself has shaped consciousness in people, which now helps to develop the universe. Therefore human consciousness and cosmos intertwined, being, in essence, a single essence.

Researchers argue what would happen if a person tried approach the understanding of the cosmos precisely from this point of view. Human – this is the idea of ​​the universe, and its cosmic mind rushed to this idea.

Why does the universe need this?

According to scientists, the universe through man is aware of himself in time and space. Any human action is a manifestation space activities. More precisely, the cosmos thinks through person. Each stage of the development of the universe is reflected in the human consciousness in the form of a certain experience.

Probably, scientists very carefully tried to convey their thoughts, which could be ambiguously perceived by society. They understand, that their statement seems unbelievable, therefore they refer to quantum physics, which, in their opinion, proves that life in The universe is based on the participation of the human mind.

If we accept the fidelity of this hypothesis, then we can assume that human consciousness does not disappear anywhere, as it has certain value to the universe. Here another question arises, which scientists have “silent” about – what happens to consciousness, if it does not give the development of the universe?

Andrey Vetrov


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