The victim of a mysterious murder was unexpectedly found in cult horror movie

The victim of a mysterious murder was unexpectedly found in a cult horror movieA photo from open sources

In July 1974, a teenager walking a dog in the vicinity downtown Provincetown, Massachusetts, unexpectedly discovered a body unknown, which could not be identified to this day.

A woman between the ages of 30 and 40 was the victim of a murder, and after 44 years of investigation, US law enforcement still cannot tell who this lady was, and also who, why and under what circumstances took her life.

One of the most mysterious crimes in US history has received today a very strange round and again interested the public, after the author suddenly drew attention to him Joe Hill is the son of the famous “horror master” Stephen King. Hill revised the famous horror “Jaws” 1975 release and noticed in one scene a mysterious murdered woman. Stranger with with a blue scarf on his head appears among the crowd in the 54th minute the movie.

Joe Hill conducted a small investigation and determined that the described scene was filmed in the summer of 1974 near Provincetown! The writer suggests that the lady was invited to participation in extras, and some time after filming she was killed. It is unlikely that her death has anything to do with Steven Spielberg’s film masterpiece, however, it’s curious that shortly before American woman’s face was immortalized iconic horror movie.

It is possible that such an unexpected find will give the police a new clue to identify the victim, as well as at least definitions of a killer. Especially when you consider that in this life is nothing accident does not happen, but because Joe Hill, most likely, is not just so drew attention to the above detail: apparently, the time has come to solve a strange crime for almost half a century ago …

By the way, try to find this young woman in a blue shawl on fragment of the film and imagine how difficult (practically unrealistic) it was Joe doing, looking at the whole picture, connecting then discovered also with a real crime – mysticism and only!

Life time

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