The video first hit how the spider feasted on possum

The video first hit the spider feasting on possumA photo from open sources

Every year, the spiders of our planet eat more than everyone weighs. people put together. This fact alone leads the European man to amazement, as a resident of a civilized city basically sees only small spiders in their home, and even then not so often. And so to think how they eat, he has no time at all.

The vast majority of these arthropods, of course, eat all sorts of insects, however, the largest arachnids are capable of hunt snakes, fish, lizards, rodents, frogs, birds, flying mice and, as it turned out now, even possums. To employees American National Geographic Channel For The First Time In History managed to capture the marsupial mammal that became victim of a spider.

As you might guess, the video below is not intended for people with arachnophobia. Unique movie obtained in the Amazon rainforest, demonstrates a huge tarantula dragging the possum to a secluded place to feast on them there. TV people say they have witnessed arthropod attacks on the unfortunate animal, however, remove the camera managed only the moment when the predator was already heading with its prey to the roots of trees.

According to the researchers, the length of the tarantula was about 30 centimeters, that is, arthropod in diameter one and a half times exceeded a standard kitchen plate! There is nothing surprising is that such a “killing machine”, possessing deadly poison, easily coped with a relatively small beast. Having received these frames, experts concluded that spiders underestimated cause of vertebrate mortality in tropics.

If we return to our domestic spiders, then scientists even recommend not killing them, because they, again because of their gluttony and ubiquity, render us invaluable a service by cleaning the home of insects such as flies, midges, mosquitoes and so on which bring us much more anxiety spiders …


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