The Volia party will protect Russians from reptiles with planet nibiru

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After four years of review, the Justice Ministry finally registered the party “Volya” under the leadership of Samara healer, candidate of psychological sciences Svetlana Peunova. According to the program, the party will fight against the corrupt Western influence on Russia, for the restoration of agriculture, increase in child allowances and other measures against “degeneration of the Russian people.” After the “Will” succeeded officially register, the total number of parties in Russia on today it has become equal to forty-two. Party leader Svetlana Peunova calls himself a healer. She wrote several books on “drug-free recovery.” According to her prediction, in 2012 year, reptiles from the planet will fly to Earth “for new victims” Nibiru. In addition, Peunova fears that comet Elenin “tear” atmosphere from Earth, talks about the mystical conspiracy of Stalin and Hitler (who were the “disciples of one supreme magician, sharing Light and Darkness “) and believes in world government. If you read her articles and books carefully, it turns out that she willfully stopped the radioactive cloud and the invasion of locusts in the Samara region. For his political career Svetlana Peunova ran for State Duma, mayor Togliatti, to the Samara Regional Duma and to the President of Russia. On the In the last election, the CEC refused to register her, as she collected too few signatures. Peunova stated that sufficient the number of signatures cannot be legally collected.

A photo from open sources

Russian Association of Centers for the Study of Religion and Sects (RACIRS) lists Svetlana Peunova with the organization “Way to the Sun” to the list the most famous destructive totalitarian sects and groups. Recall that the planet Nibiru is a mythical wandering planet in Solar system. Scientific papers confirming the existence of Nibiru is neither in the field of astronomy, nor in the field of Sumerology. The idea Nibiru was nominated by Nancy Leader in 1995. She stated that she had contacts with aliens who made an implant in her brain, allowing you to receive information directly from them. Writer and paleocontact researcher Zacharia Sitchin claims that Nibiru described in Sumerian texts as the twelfth planet, and its symbol is a winged disc found in the mythology of many peoples Ancient East.

Nibiru Russia

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