The waves threw the body to the shore of Sakhalin dinosaur

On the shore of Sakhalin, the waves threw the body of a dinosaurPhoto from open sources Of course, this is only an assumption that corpse of an unknown marine animal ashore in the area airport in miners may be the body of a dinosaur since no one not yet able to determine what it is?

It is worth saying that the coracoid nose of the animal makes it look like a dolphin, but dolphins aren’t that huge. Length beached corpse exceeds human height about twice. Then the animal is also hairy. Here why a fantastic assumption was born that it prehistoric beast, perhaps even a waterfowl dinosaur.

True, where did the dinosaurs extinct on Earth come from the waters of Sakhalin? many millions of years ago? True, some researchers believe that our world is constantly in contact with others parallel worlds, where, most likely, prehistoric monsters. The mysterious beast of the lake constantly reminds us of this. Loch Ness, Karadag snakes, Yeti, Chupacabra and others are not clear where the monsters that came from on our planet, which, logically things just shouldn’t be.

And they are, and this “gift” of the sea was seriously puzzled not only local fishermen, but also scientists. Discarded body remotely resembles a pliosaurus, which actually had limbs, like flippers, a narrow body in the form of a tear, a short neck and beak-like nose. However, these monsters lived on Earth in the Jurassic period, that is, one hundred and fifty million years ago, at least. It turns out that miracles have not yet disappeared in this world …

Dolphins Dinosaurs Monsters

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