A photo from open sources
Some especially intelligent animals have learned not only harmoniously coexist with man, but also draw from such a neighborhood considerable benefit. So, a big whale shark that you can see in the video below probably don’t mind at all that people engaged in fishing in its habitat.
Specialists American nonprofit environmental Conservation International managed to capture how Sea animal sucks sardines through a hole in a fishing net. The video was made off the south coast of Indonesia. Internet hit the record instantly became a hit, gathering many on the YouTube site millions of views and thousands of comments. “Probably so the child will feel if left alone in a candy store store, “- writes one user of a video hosting.” Maybe she them sucked and released into the wild, “- optimistically suggests another. “Reminds our deputies and the state budget,” notes Russian-speaking commentator.
Whale shark lives in warm tropical waters all over. Oceans. It is the largest existing in our time is fish. Whale shark swims slowly and does not represent there is no threat to a person, unless, of course, the theft of fishing nets described above. If you will be go diving and meet this amazing animal, its You can easily stroke and photograph. But feed out of hand fish is still not recommended …