A photo from open sources
The largest tortoise of the Planet is leathery, it is an inhabitant deep sea, lives in all seas and oceans, except the North. Weight one of these representatives of the living world, found by man, was about a ton – 916 kilograms. Middle leathery family turtles (“dermochelys coriacea”) weigh between 300 and 500 kilograms. The body length of these huge turtles reaches from 135 to 210 centimeters. Millions of years ago, these turtles appeared on earth, they are listed in the Red Book. Leather tortoise shell is significantly different from the structure of the shell of the turtles that inhabit our Planet. Due to this, she was called leathery, since her coating the shell is leather. It was so envisioned by nature that leathery the turtle does not hide its head in its shell, for one simple reason, that her head is also not small in size. Obviously this the only one of all turtles who during danger cannot pull your head into the shell, it simply does not fit there. Due to its lifestyle, this marine inhabitant is not very often catches people’s eyes. She prefers sea open spaces and travels. Despite its size, a leathery turtle is enough quickly moves in water and she can overcome considerable forces distance. Zoologists at the University of Wales conducted a study in which it was confirmed that leathery the turtle settles not only in shallow water, as previously assumed, but also capable of diving to incredible depths. Scientists attached to the shells of several leathery turtles are special instruments, measuring depth, thanks to which it was found that one of turtles dived into the waters of the Atlantic to a 640-meter depth, away from the coast. Interesting fact! In the capital of Vietnam, the city of Hanoi, there is Hoan Kiem Lake (Lake of the Returned Sword), in which there was discovered a turtle – a longevity. Vietnamese claim that she 1000 years, according to legend, from the bottom of the lake, she brought the Vietnamese people magic sword to fight the conquerors from the Middle Kingdom. Legend, Of course, close to a fairy tale, only the turtle is real. She comes up very rarely, but those who saw her say that the size of this reptile is impressive – the length of its shell exceeds two meter!