A photo from open sources “The beauty of a woman grows with her over the years, ”claimed Oscar-winning beauty Audrey Hepburn. However, as a recent incident showed, not all men agree with her. According to Shanghaiist, residents of the city last Monday Shenzhen, PRC, witnessed a heated debate ensued between a young man and an old woman in a wedding dress. Soon, it became clear to passers-by that an old lady, and a young 20-year-old girl who using makeup and overhead strands “aged” for 50 years. Young Chinese woman arranged a show with becoming a 70 year old woman to find out whether the groom will be faithful to her when she grows old.
A photo from open sources
Photo from open sources The girl appeared in the image of an old woman before a wedding photo shoot planned by the couple on the eve marriage ceremony, and asked her chosen one whether he love her 70 year old.
Photo from open sources “If so, then you will agree take a picture with me, ”said the bride to the stricken boyfriend. According to witnesses, the young man demanded that the girl immediately removed her makeup and removed her gray hair.
Photos from open sources When she refused, the groom took obscene expression and in a fit of rage ripped off and threw his glasses to the ground. Then he turned and walked away, leaving a weeping inconsolably the bride on the street.
Photo from open sources A sobbing Chinese woman told others that her boyfriend is a “creepy womanizer and he had a lot of girls. ” When the journalists arrived in time asked the bride why she still wants to marry a womanizer, she replied: “Because he treats me very well. ” After the incident, representatives local media found out the opinions of two male passers-by regarding what happened.
Photo from open sources So, an elderly man said that he will be faithful to his woman, despite her age.
Photos from open sources But a young Chinese man said that neither one man does not want to marry an unattractive woman. Till it is unknown whether the couple’s decision to tie marriage. Meanwhile, some Chinese Internet users suggested that the scandal in the middle of the street is tricky publicity stunt, and pointed to the timely appearance of operators with cameras and journalists, notes the British tabloid Mail Online