A US doctor claims that a person can be resurrected through a few hours after he died.
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“There were cases when people were resurrected after 3, 4 and even 5 hours after death, and they lived a good life, “explained Dr. Sam Parnia (Sam Parnia), who is the director of the center resuscitation at Stony Brook University in New York.
Many believe that cardiac arrest is tantamount to death, but this not the final trait.
Doctors have long believed that if a person is missing palpitations for more than 20 minutes, the brain suffers from irreparable damage. But, as Dr. Parnia stated, this can be avoided with competent resuscitation and thorough post-resuscitation care.
Death and resuscitation of a person
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He explained that it is important to have a heart massage with the right frequency and strength so that this does not lead to hyperventilation of the patient. Resuscitation can also be extended using machines.
As Dr. Parnia explained, after the brain stops receiving a constant supply of oxygen through the blood circulation, it does not immediately dies and falls into a kind of sleep mode, preventing own decay process.
The process of “awakening” this sleeping brain is risky, since oxygen can be potentially toxic at this stage. This can be compared to the tsunami after the earthquake.
It is best in this situation to cool the patient from 37 to 32 degrees Celsius, which will slow down the breakdown of brain cells.
A photo from open sources
The hospital does not report death until all processes are ruled out, which can be reversed.
Many are used to thinking that death is a sudden event, but at the cellular level, the process of dying takes place for some period time.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Clinical death
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The blurred line between life and death is not only medical issues, but also metaphysical.
Dr. Parnia also stated that about 10 percent of patients experiencing clinical death.
Some experts believe that clinical death is caused by neurological activity. As Caroline Watt explained (Caroline Watt), a British psychologist specializing in paranormal cases, about half of all patients report near death experience, when they were not close to death.
They experienced it during traumatic experiences, for example during childbirth. It’s possible that whatever the sensations are, they don’t are acquainted with the afterlife.
Clinical Death Tales
A photo from open sources
“People from all over the world describe the same condition, but its interpretation depends on the beliefs of a person, “said Guys.
People most often describe:
– Strong bright light
– Out of body experiences (hover over surgeons in operating room)
– Another reality or dimension (heaven or hell)
– Different entities (angels)
– Tunnel
– Communication with entities (voice saying “not yet time”)
– Revision of your life (past events)
Many survivors of clinical death report having become more self-confident, more open after a near-death experience. Also many change their attitude towards life, in particular, find a goal in life, value life more, empathize, become more patient and understanding.
Most people also have faith in the spiritual world, which does not necessarily lead to frequent church attendance, but rather to strengthening internal personal spiritual feelings.
And finally, people after clinical death often talk about that they are not afraid of death and believe that after death they are waiting positive experience.
Life time