Photos from open sources of
Why don’t people like ravens? After all, these are very smart birds. They are even know how to count. Almost all researchers who are behind them watched, claim that up to five – that’s for sure. Recent however experiments on crows conducted by the British showed that these birds can count even up to ten.
But a crow surprises a person not only with its mind, but also with some kind of incomprehensible cunning and cunning. She doesn’t mind stealing everything badly lies. But this is not enough for her. This bird is ready for robbery of pure water, therefore, the nests of other birds can be lit. even small kittens and puppies. It’s no coincidence that raven’s legs are for hunters in the Soviet Union gave ammunition, thereby encouraging the extermination this robber.
But if you watch the crow, and even with a video camera, so that then you could share these video surprises with others, then another side of this amazing bird is revealed. It turns out crows are very mischievous and bold (almost risky) birds. They are constantly stick to large animals, such as dogs, cats, foxes … Bother just to have a little fun, exposing yourself to this particular danger.
A photo from open sources
And some crows are even ready to ride on their backs more large birds, such as eagles or eagles.
By the way, just recently, one of the users posted on the Web photographs showing how a crow picks up someone thrown disposable tableware and takes it to the bin. Suggest bird fighting for the cleanliness of the streets, it will probably not be entirely accurate. Rather of all, the mischievous crow in this case is just amusing itself. It is amusing, as it is able …