Photos from open sources
They were raised by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. I knew about them medieval Europe. They crumble in Olivier every modern mistress. And it seems as if we know everything about cucumbers – but selection continues to “conjure” over crispy vegetables, and gardeners and summer residents more and more interested in the seeds of exotic vines, because some overseas pumpkin relatives may well take root with us. Let’s get acquainted: 6 unusual “cucumbers” from around the world! Salt and Pepper Cucumbers (Salt and Pepper) Photos from open sources Agronomists Jason Cavatorta and Molly Ian from Cornell University (New York) from the most ordinary cucumber brought a new gourmet variety, whose flavor Gourmets unanimously rated the quality as “five plus.”
Photos from open sources The strange name “vegetable masterpiece” received for his appearance: the peel is not green, but practically white as salt. In addition, the cucumber is covered with black dots, which remind ground black pepper. The benefits of the new variety are – unpretentiousness in agricultural technology, resistance to powdery mildew and some other pests. Lemon Cucumber, or Crystal яблоко” (Crystal apple)
Фото из открытых источников Когда эти странные округлые огурцыripen, the color and shape become like lemons. However it tastes like ordinary cucumbers – crispy, sweet and fragrant, Perfect for canning. From every plant fruiting to frost, you can collect up to 10 kg of merry lemons. Seeds are available in stores in Western Europe or available online – fortunately, the variety is not a hybrid, and because next year the gardener will already have his own supply seed. Antilles Cucumber – Kiwano (Cucumis metulifer)
Photos from open sources Other names New Zealand cucumber – horned melon, anguria. Yellow orange fruit with numerous “horns” nicknamed melon for a pleasant and refreshing the taste of green pulp, which combines notes of banana, cucumber and lemon.
Photos from open sources Beautiful fruits are used in cooking, medicine and even for decorating rooms – from plant compositions to Christmas decorations. Red cucumber – Тладианта (Thladiantha dubia)
Фото из открытых источников 5-6 сантиметровые “огурцы”, а поessentially only oblong pumpkins that taste like cucumbers with honey, used in salads, side dishes and jams. The plant is very unpretentious – it can be grown on balconies or covered loggias.
Photos from open sources And you can also cross red cucumber with melon, pumpkin and ordinary cucumbers to get funny hybrids of an unusual color. African mini cucumber – Мелотрия (Melothria scabra)
Фото из открытых источников Мелотрия шершавая – многолетняяliana native to the rainforests of equatorial Africa. Small green fruits with a distinct marble pattern to taste resemble cucumbers that can be eaten fresh or canned.
Photos from open sources In addition to fruits, the plant forms tubers weighing up to 400 grams, reminiscent of sweet potato tubers – their used in salads. You can grow melotria in the middle lane – but in winter the tubers freeze, so in our conditions grow babies as an annual, i.e. through seedlings. Indian Cucumber – Momordica (Momordica charantia)
Photos from open sources Image of this curiosity familiar to everyone – thanks to stylized prints on textiles, in printing houses, etc. The eastern creeper of the pumpkin family is also called mad melon or balsamic pear. Elongated berry bright orange, covered with pimples, contains red seeds that taste like ripe persimmons. The wrapper itself close to the taste of ripened pumpkin with bitterness.
Photo from open sources The cunning plant itself tells you when it’s time to harvest: until the seeds are completely ripen, all parts of the creeper burn like nettles. Obstinate beauty can be grown in greenhouses, on the balcony and even on the windowsill – why not make your interior delicious?
Africa Plants