This elusive bigfoot!

This elusive bigfoot!Photos from open sources of

The information that American bigfoot hunters Matthew Whiton and Rick Dyer introduced more than convincing proof of the existence of a bigfoot. They allegedly managed to find a corpse sasquatch in the forest of Georgia. Moreover, at the time when they discovered the Bigfoot, he was still alive, though seriously injured.

However, if we turn to the information scattered around the World web, exactly the same news was published, say, in a newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda on August 13, 2008. All the same American yeti hunters Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer, all the same a snowman from the Georgia state forest they found in a state of a half-corpse, but they couldn’t save it.

And again, this corpse is placed in the freezer, measure it two and a half meters tall, weighing almost two hundred and thirty kilograms, and also plan to show yetis to the general public at a special press conference in California.

A photo from open sources

But it already happened eight years ago! And then, according to information in “KP”, American scientists also wanted to conduct tests on DNA, post on the Web photos and videos about this snowy man. Moreover, the rest of the article pointed out that Rick Dyer (why is he alone and not both hunters?) sold the corpse for ten million dollars, and that the new owner of this exhibit is already 14 September 2008 will show the public snowy person. In order to look at the yeti, supposedly, they even left for the USA Russian cryptozoologists Dmitry Bayanov and Igor Burtsev.

However, over the course of these eight years, about the found corpse of Bigfoot in No more words or half words appeared on the Internet: they were silent not only Americans, but also Russian scientists (apparently on they didn’t get a demonstration of the yeti). How does the same the corpse and the same happy yeti hunters surf the net again?

A photo from open sources

By the way, all kinds of information about the corpses of Bigfoot surfaced before, for example, several times at the end of the last century. However, each time these corpses disappeared somewhere – the most mysterious way. It turns out that Bigfoot is elusive not only then, when he is alive, but also when he is dead. Isn’t it funny? ..

Bigfoot DNA

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