This is a mysterious, almost mystical insect – cockroach!

This mysterious, almost mystical insect is a cockroach!A photo from open sources

Probably no more hassle and trouble for a person one insect than a cockroach. And to fight with him almost useless. Even the Pentagon at one time recognized the war on cockroaches lost. He won it – His Majesty the Cockroach!

True, with a person lives, as scientists have found, only Thirty species of these unique insects. And that’s almost out of four thousand species of cockroaches that exist in nature. Some of they reach nine centimeters in length (tropical specimens). And three hundred million years ago, according to scientists, there were cockroaches and a half meter long.

The cockroach is distinguished primarily by its fantastic survivability with a rather complex biological structure (according to compared, say, with simple organisms). Most striking an example is always considered the ability of a cockroach to live a week without heads. Moreover, all its systems work like clockwork, if only he still has something to eat and drink …

A headless cockroach dies only from dehydration organism, because it can go without food even longer: a cockroach is generally able to eat once a month. And he eats everything. If there is no normal food, he will eat paper, skin, plants …

Despite its apparent hypermobility, it turned out to be the most “lazy” insect, which three quarters of life is in at rest, but simply – asleep. But when he runs, he reaches speeds of five kilometers per hour, while it can change direction movements up to thirty times per second – try to catch this “lazy shustrika”! And when you consider that the cockroach does not have eyes quite ordinary in our understanding (they are divided into four thousand segments and therefore allow the insect to see perfectly all around at the same time), then the cockroach becomes very difficult prey for any of his enemies, including humans.

To survive in this world a cockroach helps its high fecundity. With a life span of six months, the female is capable of this a short time to lay up to five hundred eggs, so in general one a cockroach produces several thousand of its kind in a month.

Scientists claim that cockroaches appeared on Earth almost three hundred million years ago, when a person was not in sight. Then there were insects of considerable size, on the outskirts of recently discovered itself the biggest insect in the world. And they will live as much (if not more) when Homo sapiens disappears from the face of the planet, because not afraid of radiation, they can do without air for a long time and almost unsinkable. But this is not the most important thing: cockroaches are easy adapt to any living conditions, and if necessary (disaster) – just fall into suspended animation “until better times.” Not accidentally in 2012, the Curious rover was discovered on Krasnaya the planet is something like a dried cockroach. Of course it is not reliable (not verified) fact, but as for the cockroach, everything perhaps…

Life Insects Time

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