This mystical India

This mystical IndiaPhoto from open sources

India is full of mystical secrets and paranormal phenomena that still no one can solve, but orthodox science in this case only “shrug.”

Inexplicable sounds

Today you can read on the Internet that people in many countries hear trumpet sounds coming from almost clear sky. However in something happened in the Indian city of Jodhpur in December 2012 absolutely incomprehensible – a deafening sound was heard from the sky (practically explosion), similar to the one that creates a supersonic plane. Representatives of the country’s defense Ministry said that at this time in the sky did not not a single flying object was observed, and the inhabitants of Jodhpur did not notice anything in the air.

A photo from open sources

True, incomprehensible explosive sounds from clear sky. recorded at that time were still in the US over the states – Texas, Georgia, Rhode Island and Arizona. Moreover, residents of the city of Warwick claimed that after an air explosion after some time there was a strange rumble from beneath the ground.

Twins village

In the Indian village of Kodinha, twins are born at approximately six to seven times more often than in other cities of the country. By According to statistics, twins around the world on average are born in such ratio: one pair for six thousand newborns, but in Kodinha in some years for three hundred newborns turns up fifteen pairs of twins.

A photo from open sources

Scientists wanted to explain this with special nutrition, unique water, unusual climatic conditions however the village is nothing cannot boast anything remarkable in this regard – everything, as in other villages. The same goes for biological features. The inhabitants of Kodinha are ordinary Indians. That’s just lucky them on the twins. It all started three generations ago, which leads Researchers are even more perplexed.

Levitating Stone

In another Indian village – Khed Shivapur – their misunderstandings. There is a stone that tourists love. This one weighs a cobblestone, chipped from a rock, near a centner, and it lies in place, which was once noted by Sufi Hazarat Kamara Ali Dervish, having arrived here about nine hundred years ago.

If eleven people stand around this heavy stone, each putting only one finger under it and uttering the name in chorus Sufi, the stone rises with ease with them – for him, as if the usual gravity of the earth ceases to act. According to participants in this fantastic action, it feels like on your finger is just a leaf or even a flower petal. But try to raise a stone in the amount of ten or twelve man – nothing will come of it.

Divine motorcycle

Even more mysterious phenomenon can be called a motorcycle, on which died in 1988, Om Singh Rator (Om Banna), crashing at full go to the tree (highway in Pali). After this accident, Royal Enfield Bullet was taken to the police station, but from there he mystically disappeared, being again near the tree. Even that didn’t help tired of such disappearances of the motorcycle, the police chained him to the bars and put a guard near him.

A photo from open sources

Today, Om Banna is considered holy and worshiped as a god, and his motorcycle also acquired divine significance. At the scene of an accident the temple was built, where the Royal Enfield Bullet is stored. They say before of this, accidents constantly occurred on this track in Pali, and now they were practically gone. Drivers miraculously avoiding a collision with oncoming traffic or some other accident, they say that they this was helped by a man on a motorcycle who always appears on time on the road and warns of danger.

Time India Stones

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