Three year old girl resurrected on her own funeral

A photo open source Incredible incident occurred in Philippine city of Aurora, South Zamboanga Province. Three year old the girl, whom the doctors pronounced dead, suddenly resurrected on own funeral. Baby’s parents still can’t come in shock, reports Mirror. A child whose name is not called, lay for several days at home with a terrible fever. Realizing that the disease does not go away by itself, the parents took the girl to the hospital. Doctors examined the baby and said that she didn’t palpable pulse. Doctors officially recognized the girl dead. Heartbroken parents organized a funeral. During preparation for burial neighbor mourners removed the lid from the coffin so that everyone could say goodbye to the girl. Suddenly she moved her head. The The moment is captured in the video published below. Parents took out living girl from the coffin, gave her water, and then again taken to the hospital. According to local inspector Hadil Tilan, at present moment the child is at home, his condition is extremely serious. The three-year-old resident of the Philippines was not the first person which this year “rose” after doctors recognized him dead. So, in June, in one of the morgues of China, they found a live a pensioner who herself climbed into the refrigerator for corpses. In 2013, another similar case occurred in China. The child, who spent two days in the morgue, suddenly woke up and screamed.


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