Thunder and lightning – heavenly punishment

Thunder and lightning - heavenly punishmentPhotos from open sources So said in ancient times, believers. For them, thunder and lightning were inexplicable phenomena, and therefore mystical and terrible. However, lightning today is a rather scary and dangerous phenomenon, although fantastically attractive.

Lightning is actually quite dangerous, for example, as reported by The Indian Express, yesterday in India died from celestial electric discharges nine people, and another thirteen received severe burns. All this happened in a rice field in Kaymur County, Bihar, women who were landing at that time suffered. Though according to statistics, men suffer more from lightnings, to their share Seventy percent of all victims (about ten thousand person per year) of this heavenly phenomenon. Why is this happening – scientists cannot explain yet. By the way, lightning also affects trees, and most often – poplars, and less often – cedars.

The average length of lightning is about three kilometers, although some giant discharges can reach twenty kilometers in length. But just imagine lightning on Saturn, which, like astronomers say several million times more powerful terrestrial…

There are places on our planet where there are no thunderstorms at all, but with on the other hand, there are global outbreak centers. For example, in Venezuela, where the Catatumbo River flows into Lake Maracaibo, up to a hundred sixty days a year there are nighttime lightning sessions that last ten hours in a row and with an average frequency of up to three hundred cascading flashes per hour. On the island of Java, thunderstorm days of the year and more – 220, in Southern Mexico and Equatorial Africa – 150, in Brazil – 100, in Moscow – only 20.

A photo from open sources

By the way, lightning does not always kill people, some after that acquire amazing psychic abilities, the American Edwin Robinson even returned this category of vision, and one the paralyzed Englishman began to move again after a lightning strike. Roy Sullivan, another American, was very “loved” by lightning, but not killed for some reason. He survived seven direct in thirty-five years hits of celestial discharges in your body – and nothing. Roy died from suicide, ending life from unrequited love, and already at 72 of the year.

Lightning even managed to kill entire football teams like this happened, say, in the Congo in 1998, however the most striking can be considered lightning, which raised the greatness and popularity of The Beatles. John Lennon once said, perhaps just for fun, that his ensemble is more popular than Jesus Christ. Radio station management Klue of a small texas city so outraged by this the blasphemous statement of the musician that organized the action public burning of discs and some symbolic signs The Beatles. The day after that, the building of the radio station lightning struck, disabling all equipment and nearly killing it directors.

However, without lightning on our planet would come disaster as they striking up to fifty times per second in all over the world, recharging the planet’s electric field, purify the air and do many more useful things. How to find out Japanese, even mushrooms grow much faster and denser in places where lightning struck …

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