Thunder Sorcerer destroyed the whole street with lightning in Zimbabwe

A photo from open sources

The tragedy ended with a witching ritual in one of the suburbs the capital of Zimbabwe. A powerful explosion thundered in one of the suburbs the capital of Zimbabwe. The man who called for help from the local lightning specialist, paid for his trip to the sorcerer own life. In Harare, damaged more than a dozen houses after a powerful explosion that thundered in the house of a local sorcerer and carried away the lives of five people. It is noteworthy that those who arrived at the place of emergency the bombers did not find any trace of a bomb or gas balloon. Locals sprinkled salt on the streets to protect yourself from evil spirits. People also said that the sorcerer, along with having traveled to the next world as his client, he was engaged in manufacturing “lightning”. In Zimbabwe, some residents believe that sorcerers “tame” lightnings in the rainy season to crack down on enemies.

A life

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