Time Traveler Oversight

A photo from open sources

American Melvin Wilson, resident in Virginia, for the last ten years the fourth time he won a large sum in the lottery. In 2004, he received the first 25 thousand dollars, and a year later he was lucky to win immediately twice – $ 1 million and 500 one thousand dollars. The last time fortune smiled at Wilson recently, when he became the owner of another 500 thousand dollars. Himself the lucky one explained his luck by saying that “it just turns out to be in the right location at the right time. “However, contact specialists with time travelers were very skeptical about the version about luck, but Wilson’s last words were heeded. By their opinion, “to be in the right place at the right time” is just what guests from the future who come to us specialize in with both research and commercial missions. One of “time travelers”, for obvious reasons striving for anonymity, so commented on another win Wilson: “This guy has long been in our file cabinet.

It is most likely temporal illegal traveler, that is, arrived in our time to relax and cut some money. He will put them in the bank, and then he will return to future and withdraw from the account with interest. This is how much a limited subject needs to be in order to use the machine time for such nonsense! “The same researcher cited an excerpt from accidentally falling into his hands a file with a memo for time travelers: “Never go back in time, without taking information on stock quotes and winning lottery tickets. She will allow you to survive in barbaric conditions past centuries, if for some reason your return delayed. At the same time, remember that for every win in the lottery pretend to be another time traveler. Try not to conflict with your contemporaries because of this. Be careful – frequent wins can attract the attention of special services and the media. “” It turns out that Wilson Ignored the last piece of advice and therefore got caught. But how much more such undetected visitors from the future walk along our streets? ” – asks the reasonable question “hunter”. According to his estimates, in any five to ten thousand “aliens,” and many of them did not come here for good purposes. Of course against their background, Melvin Wilson seems to be a completely harmless individual.


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