To believe in the posthumous experience of a neurosurgeon scientist much easier

The post-mortem experience of a neurosurgeon scientist is much easier to believe.A photo from open sources

Description of the afterlife after clinical death has already become so frequent and mundane that really few believes. In addition, scientists who study the work of the human brain in moment of departure, prove: all posthumous visions are nothing more than “residual hallucinations” (can be called anything, for example, brain ploy) of an already fading consciousness that clings to life by any means, “inventing” a paradise for yourself (or even hell, if only not “leave”).

Famous American neurosurgeon, professor at Harvard Eben Alexander, of course, was among the skeptics who did not believe either one tale of returnees after clinical death.

A photo from open sources

The most interesting thing, he writes today in his book “Proof paradise “that I, like most Americans, are a believer, but it doesn’t interfere with me, or, apparently, with all other religious people to live and not believe in some mythical afterlife.

As you already, surely guessed fate (or, most likely, higher forces) “made fun” of Eben and his skepticism (it’s not for nothing that the great Indian yogi Sri Aurobindo claimed that the Most High is great joker), once sending a doctor of science in the same clinical death – a journey into the afterlife.

And Alexander’s soul falls into an amazing place that he calls paradise, because that world by all the sensations of a neurosurgeon was so unlike ours, and at the same time captivatingly beautiful and exciting that it’s hard for him to pick up any other definition of the available earth.

In that paradise, says Eben, he talked with a stranger, which literally radiated love. She told me that here he there is nothing to fear: he is loved, they are very dear to him and he simply cannot do nothing wrong.

And then truly spiritual things were shown to the neurosurgeon, about whom he had not before had the slightest idea. But the most interesting that after Eben returns from there, his biological parents (Alexander grew up in a foster family) sent him photo of his sister Betty, who died in 1998, about whom he didn’t know anything – it was the face of the girl who met the scientist in Paradise…

A photo from open sources

Eben did not understand then why he was so honored – to see paradise while alive, since that beautiful girl Betty immediately warned the scientist that he would have to return.

And Eben Alexander – returned, and if you say in earthly terms: left from a coma. After this out-of-body experience, the scientist decided to write the above book.

Why? There is a simple explanation for this, he assures. I already wrote a lot of various scientific works, I don’t know if they brought they benefit humanity, but the book on the afterlife neurosurgeon, Ph.D., Harvard professor, think will certainly bring her, because in my posthumous experience, in his truthfulness, it will be easier for many to believe than in such an experience simple layman. And to believe is to spiritually change for the better side. Therefore, even if my book helps with this all to several readers, I will consider that wrote it not in vain …

A life

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