Today is the birthday of Russian vodka

Today is the birthday of Russian vodkaA photo from open sources

It is on this day, that is, January 31, the great Russian scientist-chemist D.I. Mendeleev defended his world-famous unique dissertation “On the combination of alcohol with water.” It is happened in 1868.

In this scientific work, Dmitry Ivanovich proved that ideal for perception by our body the strength of the alcohol solution and distilled water is 38 degrees. Since then Russian vodka and is produced at approximately this concentration.

Why approximately? Yes, because 38 degrees in commercial plan turned out to be not a very convenient figure for calculating the excise tax tax. Since then, the Russian fortress familiar to us has appeared vodka – 40 degrees.

Just do not think that the great Russian scientist was an amateur drink alcohol. The invention of ideal vodka for Dmitry Ivanovich – it is rather a small gift of a brilliant chemist to his compatriots who until then poisoned themselves more strong drinks. The scientist himself warned about the dangers of vodka and not recommended to use it often and in many ways – no more than one hundred grams in a day.

Note that the famous Novosibirsk scientist, surgeon Fedor Grigoryevich Uglov, a sober lifestyle propagandist urged Russians do not drink this harmful drink at all, as if in a mockery once called “living water.” Even 40 grams of drunk vodka, he scientifically proved, kills more than a thousand in the human brain neurons.

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