Cryptozoology is a science that studies animals that exist according to legends, rumors and eyewitness accounts Some of these animals, for example: gorilla, giant squid and okapi, have already confirmed the reality of their existence, at that time like others: Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster – continue tempt our imagination. Here are 10 of the most mysterious and interesting of them: Photos from open sources
Huge gorilla For centuries in Africa there have been legends about the giant creature of Enge, which, according to rumors of local residents, was much taller and stronger than the largest man. In 1847 the American missionary got a skull and some bones of this creatures, whereby official science has confirmed the existence of western lowland gorillas.
A photo from open sources Giant Squid Turns out squid can grow up to 13 meters in length. It turns out that all these legends of ocean monsters – true! In September 2005 Japanese researchers for the first time managed to capture unique frames – a huge squid in its natural habitat, then eat in the ocean. Bigfoot According to legend, snowy man is a hairy monkey-like creature that dwells in the northern United States, in Canada, and elsewhere in the world ball. Bigfoot is much taller and larger than man. Some scientists suggest that Bigfoot is a giant drinker (a giant monkey that was thought to have died out over 100,000 years ago).
Photos from open sources
Latimeria Researcher Matt Friedman Searching Through Search unusual creatures catch South African fishermen discovered coelacanth (prehistoric cysterae fish, extinct millions of years ago and known to scientists only from fossil remains). As it turned out, coelacanth was well known to the locals who called this fish is “mom.” Photos from open sources
Floresian man In the legends of an Indonesian island Floress speaks of the mysterious race of small people “Egu Gogo”, who lived next door to ordinary people and stole their children. IN 2003, discovering the remains of a new species in the caves on the island humanoids, scientists began to take these more seriously legends. They suggest that the Florentine man died out relatively recently, only 12,000 years ago. Maybe he and was the missing link between modern man and the monkey.
A photo open source royal cheetah in 1926 in Zimbabwe was discovered cheetah with unusual spots. Besides that the spots were quite large, long along the cheetah’s back black stripes. As it turned out in 1981, the “King Cheetah” is not was a hybrid or a new subspecies of its family, since received its unique color as a result of a very rare genetic mutation.
Photos from open sources
White-billed Woodpecker Due to decades of mass hunting for it species of birds, as well as due to deforestation of vast areas of forest in which they inhabited, white-billed woodpeckers became extinct. However in 2004 the group people reported that in the forests of Arkansas they saw one such woodpecker alive. Researchers later received confirmation of this. encouraging fact, and also recorded the bird in the video. Photos from open sources
Loch Ness Monster (Nessie) In the northwest of Scotland locals believe that in the depths of Loch Ness lives The huge prehistoric reptile “Nessie.” Judging by the description animal, it resembles a plesiosaur because it has a long neck and fins short as oars. Photos from open sources
Okapi If giraffes and zebras could mate, their cubs would look like okapi. Striped legs of this strange creatures resemble the legs of a zebra, and the muzzle resembles a giraffe. Although his neck much shorter than that of a giraffe, the tongue reaches up to 30 cm in length. Okapi can use her long tongue to wash both her eyelids and the ears. Until 1901, okapi were well known only to those living in Congo rainforest people. Photos from open sources
Tasmanian tiger tasmanian tiger or wolf – representative carnivorous marsupials that lived in Australia. He had a long hard tail, dark stripes on the back and croup, as well as a purse on stomach like a koala or kangaroo. Due to human activities on the Australian mainland it is extinct, recent confirmation The existence of the Tasmanian tiger is dated 1932. However and eyewitnesses today talk about encounters with this unusual to animals.
Translation by Sergey Vasilenkov
Yeti Kangaroo Loch Ness Monster Bird Island Fish