Touching to tears: the cat is trying to unearth the grave of the owner

Touching to tears: the cat is trying to unearth the owner’s graveA photo from open sources

We often write and read on the Internet about cats that are truly amazing creatures that surround us and brighten our lives, who are capable of the most incredible things and fantastic tricks. No wonder these beasts are suspected of being mystical abilities, then in an alien origin …

However, behind these kind and affectionate, in general, domestic For some reason, the notion that the cat “walks by itself to herself, “that she’s never attached to a person as, say, dog.

Attaches, and how! A lot of cases when cats escorted their owners in the cemetery, and so they remained to live there, as if their compassionate people did not lure or “persuade” them. Moreover, in case of violent attempts by a person to make a difference (and in the best of intentions), such faithful animals are all ran away from their new friends early and returned to the churchyard – for now did not die on the knoll of their former master.

I think the cat, which was captured on video in Malaysia during the time of his master’s funeral is likely to face the same (or similar) fate. Apparently, this snow-white, sad cat, no one invited to the churchyard, did not wait. However he appeared, and when the owner was already falling asleep, he began to unearth paws still fresh mound of the grave.

The author of the video posted it on a social network Soffuan CZ, said that on that day, September 17 of this year, his grandfather Ishmael Mata was buried. It all happened on the island Langkawi. During the funeral, the grandfather ran to the cemetery, he tried to dig a grave, and then did not want to leave with graveyard …

Unfortunately, we do not know how it all ended: could Ishmael Math’s children and grandchildren persuade his loyal cat to leave the cemetery, or that, as often happens, remained near the owner, preferring such a fate of a well-fed life with new patrons? But even that the video in one day only typed in social networks almost 7 million views, says a lot: people are impressed such devotion to animals, which means that in our hearts most of us remain kind and pure children. It’s a pity that many immediately forget about your true self as soon as you plunge into the bustle everyday life, giving it not only energy, but also the warmth of his big heart …

Cat Life Time

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