A photo from open sources
Photo: The Phuket News
Mysterious traces of a giant creature appeared on the night of friday on the island of Mai Pai (Bamboo island, north of Phi Phi). Tracks appearing near the forest pass through the courtyard of the local schools and lead to the sea. Mysterious footprints extremely worried students, parents and teachers. In their opinion, traces were left a huge snake. The tracks are a long strip, consisting of pairs of circles. Each such circle in diameter is 20 centimeters. Local experts have estimated that the length of the snake, leaving these traces should be at least fifteen meters. Payney Atvarii, a teacher from a school in whose courtyard traces of a mysterious reptile says the fear of the islanders intensifies rumors that the appearance of traces could be an omen big trouble. Some of them predicted that on Friday, when according to the Mayan calendar, the end of the world should have happened, something will happen truly terrible. Mistress Payney demonstrated to the local footprints that began on the hill in front of experts and reporters school, then, passing through the schoolyard, playground and school gates overlook the beach and disappear into the waters of Pang Nga Bay. Sansamut Anan, village headman Baan Koch Mai Pai noted that on the eve of the day when the traces were discovered, the sea level was very high. Around 11 pm he heard desperate screams aroused birds, but then did not attach any significance to this. The man said that recently a wave swept across the island the mysterious disappearance of goats and ducks, but the villagers thought that they were eaten by python. Many years ago, an eight-meter python weighing over seventy kilograms has already been caught on the island.
A photo from open sources
Photo: The Phuket News
After examining the traces by experts, the village headman was decided not to turn off the electricity generator on the island on night and prepare tools for fishing or at least protection against alleged reptile. Scientists and the police together with civilian volunteers from Bamboo Island lead 24-hour search and clearance patrols the mysterious animal that left this mysterious mark.
Snakes Islands