Transformation of organs and systems of the physical body

Transformation of organs and systems of the physical bodyA photo from open sources

Many organs of our body, retaining their familiar form, begin to Perform additional new features. It doesn’t always notice modern diagnostic equipment. Let’s talk a little bit about what happens to them.

The pineal gland Knowledge about the pineal gland is active transmitted to us through different channels. Her activation and conversion occur as we expand, the development of ability “pick up”, adapt and apply internal knowledge in the physical the world. Now is not the time to “store” them, taking their own space. Knowledge is worth using for a brand new changing yourself and your real life. The pineal gland is trigger for transforming thin and physical structures DNA This process of transition from the Thin plane to the Physical precedes the preparation of all layers – from subatomic to molecular and begins with the “creation” of the plan matrix in Vitreous. It is formed in accordance with our elections. and intentions. According to this plan, layers begin to be activated. DNA This process is not linear and sequential, but simultaneously multi-level, multi-stage and volumetric. He promotes the expansion of our perception and the New sensation of Self and Peace. Vitreous Vitreous is in the center head, above the pineal gland. This is a lens that can refract, transform and focus vibrations according to our intention and readiness for this. This body is like clean glass or a diamond in water is not visible in the 3rd dimension, although it is next to it and in it, and makes real physical contact with it through pineal gland, sending to it or taking energy from it. Now it is being transformed and contributing to the transformation of others organs, especially the pineal gland and the pituitary gland. because the official science of the existence of this part of the brain has not yet knows. It will be open later. Spine Straightening the spine, a person accelerates the flow of energy through it and information. The spine is a place of Power around which the energy of the physical body is twisted and structured, it is keeps it in the right shapes and proportions. This is the link between energies of different levels. Through him they transform acquiring the frequency you need at the moment. Physical displacements vertebrae disrupt the energy flow, and to overcome them extra vitality is attracted, if necessary even from other organs, weakening them. Therefore healthy is so important the spine through which energy flows freely without getting stuck in blocks and offsets. In the sacral part of the spine intertwined energy of different vibrations, is accepted, transformed and information adapts, becoming energetically digestible for brain. Photos from open sources The area in the lower back (spine) can be called a life belt. Here are the vitality for realization of true intentions and development goals in one or another incarnation. It is related to all human bodies: as to physical and subtle. In the belt of life “laid” our realization of oneself in a dense world. It is for us, as if external creation in oneself whole. Here we’ve written down incarnations of the boundaries of our own development that focus us on solving tasks. We pledged a certain amount energy for their implementation. Joints, skeleton and teeth B present moment our Body, Brain and life itself are changing The space in which everything happens. Joints and skeleton play the role of the foundation, contribute to the determination of their interest and organization of his research. The joint structure itself gives many materials and sensations for research. The backbone reveals to us our capabilities and the verge of destination. In the moments of choice and definitions of bone tissue (skeleton, teeth) and joints give the most powerful impulse to the transformation of all Integrity. it occurs gradually, like overflow, volumetric, simultaneous and diverse. The process of change is clearly focused, defined and organized. Those who are interested and who are ready start unlock the potential for recovery, reproduction and adaptation physical body located in the matrix structures of cells. Teeth, how antennas or transceivers adapt a lot from external sources, as well as with a subtle plan. So they perform as a kind of filters for new programs. Throughout life teeth can be overwhelmed with energy and information held (“antenna clogged”). In this process, each person has your individual “margin of safety”, the limit. As soon as he is reached, then the teeth begin to decay. Today with conscious working with the body there is an opportunity to use and transform this process, gradually translating it into another quality is creation. To do this, new teeth begin to enter through the teeth. matrix programs, and there is a surge, their expansion energy consumption (“antennas” are qualitatively converted). Wherein you can feel a painful “bursting”. Liver and blood The task of the liver to be a blood-forming organ remains relevant. At that however, parts of new human programs enter through the bloodstream. Liver begins to work with more capacious energy flows, which changes the structure of cells. This is, first of all, not external changes, but conversion of charges, wavelengths, reaction rates, and so on, which occur in all organs and systems. She is working now in the archiving mode of past programs and how the filter skips new, what the body is ready for. Moreover, past programs operate in accelerated mode. The consequence of this may be the appearance certain diseases at an earlier age, for example. Blood is the link between old and new programs vital activity of the whole body. She carries capsules through the liver with parts of the transformation matrix over the physical body. Blood holds various information: “instructions”, bundles, tools and much more. Large volumes of its “require” a certain purity and frequency of the blood supply and blood circulation process itself. Blood is a stream of substance, which is basically magical component of “molten lava” filled with various segments, moments and parts. It connects organs and systems physical and subtle bodies of man. Blood is a structure that organizes the information and energy moment and potential, embedded in the human body. It carries a matrix of a certain plot of development space. The blood itself is a structured set of elements, finished capsules and parts, located in the energy flow of human space. So blood is an instrument and process of development at the same time. Skin Skin has become more sensitive to changes in the internal world and the external environment. And this is not connected only with environmental degradation and nutrition. The skin integrates our readiness for internal and external changes. His reaction reflects how a person perceives everything that happens. Leather – Mirror our relationship to ourselves and the world. She is an indicator of internal changes. Through the skin including, we remove waste programs. This process goes smoother and softer if we know and convinced that it will end and simultaneously flow into something new. Adipose tissue Our physical and subtle bodies were created to solve the problems of the present moment, the transition from duality into multidimensionality. The wider our light spectrum of energies, the more active and voluminous the body is transformed. Old components pass, as the gained experience into the data bank of Integrity and the Earth, so that if necessary they can be claimed. Information rises from the fiery layer, spirill and cells. On the thin plans it happens faster. In the physical body, proven programs from all its parts go into adipose tissue, where they are sorted – some are archived, others remain in the form of energy stock of vitality. Here it can be done less painfully, so how is a plastic, viscous substance (similar to quality clay in the hands of the sculptor). It is due to its friability, relatively can easily transform. This requires the availability of compressed form of water structures in and around it. In fat cells compactly contains a huge amount of concentrated energy. They accumulate, store and process it, and also support it. balance playing the role of energy and physical ballast or float. When the body and adipose tissue begin qualitatively change, at first there may be a sensation or real manifestation of loosening, spreading and swelling. Old outlines as if spread to transform into new ones. When the mind tenses about this, makes thoughts harder, then the body becomes harder, the use of fat accumulations for transformation slows down. Since the processes are not canceled and the body needs energy, you have to make additional their “reserves” in the form of fat. how optimally and effectively take advantage of adipose tissue and transform it? To do this, it is clear to understand and accept processes in the mind and body (including in fat cells), knowing that they are of course endless. You can express the conscious intention on this occasion, and listening to yourself, act for its implementation. And then the accumulation goes into motion and transformation. In this case, the energy of fat cells is quickly converted from the concentrate to the desired state, as if swelling, and used for any own conscious change. Fat does not require itself love or hate. He is the energy component of our body and present moment. When the mind and body are sufficiently will move to a New Quality, energy will no longer be “stored” in fat, as it will immediately be converted and used in necessary “Points” (places). For this very powerful things are happening now. processes in the stomach and brain, where we load and accept New task programs including, and in relation to adipose tissue. For us is a qualitatively new understanding, sensation and perception of ourselves and everything that happens around, other programs of interaction with oneself and Wednesday. At the same time, we recognize, allow and accept the laws of the world, in which we go through the experience of embodiment.

DNA time Life in a matrix Life

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