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It is said that purity is akin to piety. However, according to specialist research, some of the main ingredients the assistant of purity – soaps – are very far from being able to was considered heaven sent down. Scientists from california University determined, in particular, that triclosan – the antibacterial agent that is part of the soap (remember the soap Seyfgard?) – is able to negatively affect muscle activity and the work of the heart. Currently harmful effect triclosan has been proven thanks to its trials in experimental animals, however, the harm from this substance is so pronounced that scientists are sure: a similar harm is inflicted on the human body with constant use of products with triclosan. That more experts were alarmed – it’s a potential harm, which this agent can bring to the heart muscle (up to heart attack). “The negative effect that has triclosan on cardiac function, pronounced, – said Nipavan Chiamvimonvat, professor of cardiovascular medicine and one from the authors of the study. – And although triclosan does not have a status medication, this substance has proven itself in our models, as a potential cardiac depressant. “Clean at the cost health? After scientists exposed muscle tissue individual experimental fish and mice exposed to triclosan, they found that the substance interferes with normal muscle contraction. Researchers got a similar result when working with whole groups of experimental animals: in mice after 20 minutes exposure to triclosan, cardiac function activity decreased in average 25 percent, and total muscle activity 18 percent. Fish that were exposed for seven days exposed to triclosan, swam much more slowly than their brothers who have not been exposed to this substance. The results of this study literally hit the scientific world. “We were surprised by the degree of deterioration in muscle activity in very many organisms, and it is a matter of both cardiac and skeletal muscle, ”said Bruce Hammock, a professor at the faculty University of California Entomology Co-author of the study. – Just imagine that animals are so dependent on muscle activity, which even a 10 percent decrease is capable of play a fatal role in their survival process. “As you know, triclosan was first introduced 40 years ago as a substance, which was able to prevent the spread of bacterial infections in hospitals. Use of this substance these days in the composition of liquid soaps for face, deodorants and other products personal hygiene made this bacterium killing chemical extremely common. However, in addition to the use of triclosan in some Toothpastes to combat gingivitis, there are very few convincing evidence of the effectiveness of this substance when it application in the form of a simple soap with water. Specialists also warn that excessive use of triclosan, which The US Environmental Protection Agency has given the status of “potential carcinogen, “can lead to a sharp increase in the number of so called drug resistant super bacteria drugs. This is not the first time researchers have noted potential health effects of triclosan. Previous studies have revealed a relationship between this substance and its ability to reduce reproductive hormonal activity, as well as negatively affect the signaling system of brain cells. Taking in attention to the results of their research, scientists demanded from relevant regulatory bodies of widespread prohibition the use of this substance as a cosmetic product. “Triclosan may be useful in some cases, but it turned into a marketing factor that adds value to the product, while the presence of this substance in the product brings more harm than good, ”said Hammock. – Our studies talk about that the use of this substance should be at least significantly reduced. ”
Health Time