True Stories of the Paranormal

TruePhotos from open sources of

All the stories that we bring to your attention are authentic. Each of them deserves to be taken as a basis. horror blockbuster. And indeed, for some of them already make or prepare to make films.

Eliza Lam

This girl, a Chinese woman by birth, was Canadian a student. She was last seen alive on January 31 the year before last of the year. On this day, Eliza was filming surveillance cameras that were installed in the elevator and lobby of the Cecil hotel (the girl stayed there with own parents). Eliza behaved very strange: she’s as if hiding from someone, then gestured violently, trying to give an invisible sign for someone in an absolutely deserted corridor.

A photo from open sources

A couple of weeks later, when the police made the record public, oh secretly disappeared Elise Lam spoke the whole world. As always, many hypotheses appeared, in particular about obsession, and also about paranormal activity.

At the same time, guests of the famous Cecil Hotel began complain of bad smell and unusual color of water. February 19th early in the morning, the hotel employee went to the water tank, located on the roof, and saw in it a half-decomposed naked body. After opening and forensic examination it turned out that there were no signs of violent death.

The investigation failed to establish how Eliza got on the roof hotel, because only employees had access there. Left a mystery and how the girl managed to climb into himself storage tank.

This eerie story has become a source of inspiration for screenwriters. Sony Pictures Studios. Already preparing for filming exciting movie.

Canine suicide bridge

Over the past fifty years, more than fifty dogs died by jumping from a bridge called Overtown, which located in the Scottish village of Milton. It’s amazing, first of all, that suicide dogs were jumping from almost the same place. Secondly, if, having fallen from a 15-meter height, the dog survived, she subsequently repeated the jump. And thirdly, all animals belonged to long-nosed dog breeds.

A photo from open sources

This phenomenon is called a heart-breaking mystery. Many of owners of dead animals attempt investigation circumstances of mysterious “suicides”.

Some people think that dogs are frightened by the sudden appearance of something supernatural. Currently, local residents are trying not to cross this bridge with animals.

Perhaps this story is not exciting enough for a full horror movie, but it can serve as a gloomy backdrop for some interesting plot.

Bella and Mountain Elm

This happened in Hagley (England) on April 18, 1943. Four young people went to the forest and found there a mountain elm with a hollow, in which turned out to be a human skull. Guys immediately about this find reported to the authorities. Police officers examined a tree and removed from hollow skeleton of a young woman. The most amazing thing is hands turned out to be chopped off and buried under a tree.

Experts concluded that the killing occurred 18 months ago. The identity of the murdered was never established, however, local residents called her bella. There was a war, there was no full investigation opportunities, and the case remained unsolved.

A photo from open sources

Since then, on the walls of houses in this area often appears the following inscription: “Who hid Bella in a mountain elm?” What is not the plot for creating a mystical drama?

Ghosts of the White House

The official residence of American presidents is one of the most sinister and mystical buildings not only in the US but also in all over the world. Here at different times the ghosts of the deceased appeared. presidents. Henry was repeatedly introduced to living people Harrison, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln.

A photo from open sources

Once the ghost of Lincoln saw Winston Churchill. British the prime minister took a bath and walked naked into the bedroom. From what he saw he was dumbfounded: there was a ghost of Lincoln near the fireplace – in the mantle and with all the regalia – and kept fire. Remarkable self-control did not fail Churchill this time: in a second the prime minister respectfully greeted and apologized for his inappropriate appearance, after which the ghost disappeared.

Water Time Bridges Dogs

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