Photos from open Sources American journalist Linda Moulton Howe told the world about the mysterious sounds that are periodically heard from heaven in the most various points of the planet. They sound like a trumpet or the bugle, however, in order to publish them, it would take extremely large musical instruments that did not slip b from the eyes of eyewitnesses.
However, the sources of this mysterious and for many frightening sound has never been observed by anyone. What is it: seven pipes Apocalypse, unidentified flying objects, fairytale jokes troubadour or just a workshop hoax?
Eyewitness accounts
The American, as expected, was to find the exact answer I couldn’t. A woman has studied a lot of evidence of a strange sound, starting in 2010 and ending with the current. Over the past five years invisible colossal horns blew in Norway, Costa Rica, America, Scotland, Israel, Romania, Ukraine and many others countries of the planet. Any consistency in the case of this a phenomenon completely absent, or at least it seems so on first glance. Linda Moulton Howe visited by many eyewitnesses anomalies and interviewed them.
In January 2010, real estate agent Cindy Smith, living in American state of Tennessee, went to work and suddenly heard from the sky a loud rumble that literally made glass shake in her the car. The woman braked sharply and clutched her ears. “The sound was so loud that it seemed to me to burst now both eardrums. It was very scary, “she said journalist. According to Smith, the buzz lasted about thirty seconds, then abruptly stopped. The woman got out of the car and began to look at the sky, but everything looked absolutely as if nothing had happened.
In November 2012, a resident of the Norwegian city of Ulsteinvik Morten Johansen was resting with his sons in the evening near his house. IN at a certain moment, a sound came to men and boys from above, looking like a bugler game. Johansen says: “To me first the war seemed to start. Frightened, I quickly ran in with children in the house, but immediately noticed that this sound does not look like fighter engines or exploding bombs. It’s really there was a huge wind instrument that blew right from the sky. You know, in Christian mythology. “The next day, Morten asked the neighbors if they heard something like that, and they confirmed yes.
Last summer, a similar anomaly was observed in the village Soldier’s of the Nikolaev area of Ukraine. Residents of the village were very puzzled and at first somewhat scared when heard loud sounds from heaven. However, according to Ukrainians, sounds from above poured musical and melodic, so soon all calmed down. “We rather wondered what it was. We even called local scientists and asked them, but they, apparently were too far from the place where the heavenly trumpet was heard a voice, and couldn’t help us with anything, “a resident shared with Linda the village of Sergei Prytulyak.
Attempts to explain
Moulton Howe also did not fail to tell in her work about some scientific theories trying to explain the reasons what is happening. For example, the Azerbaijani geophysicist Elchin Khalilov suggests that weird sounds like a trumpet buzz or bugle caused by acoustic gravitational waves, triggered by strong solar flares and plasma emissions of energy from our luminary. However, NASA physicist David Hathaway believes that solar activity could hardly become the reason for this phenomenon.
The American journalist managed to collect more than a dozen theories. For example, British ufologist Neil Carolyn is convinced that everything is to blame intergalactic alien ships visiting our planet. The specialist believes that the sounds are really somewhat similar to horn, however in reality they are not issued by any invisible a large musical instrument, and flying plates.
Another scientist, Leo Templeman from Florida, suggests that the source of unusual sounds is a secret acoustic weapons developed by the US military. As you know, after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 the US government stated that if necessary will fight terrorists in the Middle East with directional sound waves. However, this theory was immediately ridiculed reporters who are whistleblowers the tragedy of 2001 from the Pentagon, which he himself arranged this “terrorist act” to unleash an Arab war countries.
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