Two twin temples, separated by a distance of 14 thousand kilometers and 2 millennia in time

Two twin temples, separated by a distance of 14 thousand kilometers and 2 millennia in timeA photo from open sources

Could this be to two monuments of ancient architecture, that are separated by thousands of kilometers and twenty centuries, belonging to civilizations that existed on different continents, not touching their cultures in any way, to be identical – like twins?

Theoretically not, however, in fact, the temple of the Great Jaguar in American Guatemala and the Siem Reap Temple of the Asian Kingdom Cambodia that are separated in time and space the above parameters, built as if on one project or by the same architect.

A photo from open sources

Both temples have a pyramidal structure with a stepped formation. and a very steep climb, very different from other buildings religious purpose. Both temples hit with huge stairs, leading directly to the tops of buildings, covered almost identical domes with small doors. And although the Asian temple slightly smaller in size than their American counterpart, in all otherwise they are very similar – almost twins (at least twins).

A photo from open sources

Something else is surprising in this regard. In Mayan folklore the construction of the temple of the Great Jaguar is associated with the god Kukulkan, great and very educated, knowing all the secrets of mathematics, architecture and other sciences necessary for the construction of such architectural masterpiece. However, in oral Cambodian traditions Siem Reap Temple was built by the demigod Pream Pisnokar, the great architect, mathematician and technician. Like it was the same a person or at least two architects of the same school.

Believe in a coincidence or some kind of accident – all one that to believe that one person can rip off ten times in a row lottery jackpot. Such coincidences can only serve confirmation of the theory of aliens-astronauts who once visited our Earth and formed highly developed civilizations practically on all its continents. It is these astronauts that ancient people considered gods, worshiped them and left us many legends and oral traditions of their greatness.

Material evidence of the presence has survived on Earth. those “great gods.” The temples of the Great Jaguar and Siem Reap are among the them …


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